World News

German cardinal calls for catechism change on homosexuality

Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx said "the catechism is not set in stone" on the issue, but added "we can't offer the sacrament of marriage" to same-sex couples.

Pope apologizes for treatment of Indigenous in Canada

Expressing "sorrow and shame" for the complicity of Catholics in abusing Indigenous children in Canada and helping erase their culture, Pope Francis pledged to visit Canada.

Kharkiv bishop accuses Russia of terror tactics in Ukraine

A Ukrainian bishop said Russian forces are deliberately targeting aid centers and using Mariupol "as a firing range" and destroying it "to show what will happen if other cities continue resisting."

Synodality requires change in church structure, says theologian

The Catholic Church's hierarchy should undergo deep structural changes and share administrative powers with all Catholics, said a prominent Indian theologian. He called synodality "a 1,000-year program for the church in the third millennium."

Ukrainian archbishop tearfully recounts the horrors, heroism of war

With his voice trembling and tears sliding down to his beard, the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church spoke via Zoom about the death and destruction Russia is raining down on his people -- and especially their forced deportations.

Patriarch pledges solidarity with Ukrainians during Warsaw visit

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, head of all Orthodox churches, praised Poles for showing "generosity, charity and hospitality" to Ukrainians forced to flee their country since the start of the Russian invasion.

Canadian Indigenous give pope moccasins, ask him to walk with them

Delegates are explaining to Pope Francis how their communities live and struggle today, and how the Catholic Church has contributed to those struggles at residential schools where the Indigenous languages and culture were banned.

Polish archbishop updates pope on aid to Ukraine refugees

The president of the Polish bishops' conference told Pope Francis March 28 that the Catholic Church in Poland is continuing to assist at least 2.2 million refugees from neighboring Ukraine fleeing Russia's destructive war in the country.

Pope consecrates Ukraine, Russia to Mary

"To you we consecrate the future of the whole human family," Pope Francis prayed at a Lenten penance service March 25 with 3,500 people in St. Peter's Basilica and 2,000 more on screens in the square.

Ethiopian cardinal welcomes truce in Tigray region

The humanitarian truce accepted by the Tigrayan military will allow aid to millions of people threatened by starvation from the 16-month conflict in Ethiopia that has killed thousands and displaced millions from their homes.