World News

Ashes, daily fasting: Eastern Catholics focus on God during Lent

BEIRUT (CNS) — At the Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi in Bayada, north of Beirut, faithful gathered for Ash Monday Mass in the chapel Feb. 12. In the Maronite Catholic Church, ashes are distributed on Monday, two days ahead of the Latin rite’s traditional Ash Wednesday distribution. This allows Catholics to observe 40 days […]

Pope, Melkite patriarch formalize full communion

Formalizing their unity in the intimate setting of the chapel of the papal residence, Pope Francis and Melkite Patriarch Joseph Absi concelebrated Mass together in the presence of members of the Melkite synod of bishops.

Guam archbishop under investigation greets pope at general audience

Archbishop Apuron has been away from Guam during a Vatican-led investigation of allegations that he sexually abused several boys, allegations he strongly disputes.

Fleeing gangs in El Salvador, woman finds safe haven in U.S.

Belinda, a native of El Salvador, lights up a room with her smile -- until she recounts her fear of violent gangs in San Salvador, fleeing to escape them and spending months in jail in the United States.

Muslims who desecrated statue ordered to memorize Quran verses about Mary

The judge said her decision was meant to teach the young men about Islam's respect and love for Mary.

Clients of prostitution are promoting human trafficking, pope says

Prosperous nations where foreign women are forced into prostitution need to drop their hypocrisy and "face the idea that they are part of the problem, rather than turning away, proclaiming their innocence," Pope Francis said.

Catholic institute: Kids could be harmed if Scotland changes gender law

The Anscombe Centre for Bioethics said proposed reforms to allow people to change gender by "self-declaration" will encourage vulnerable children to make life-changing decisions they may regret.

4.5 million displaced in Congo ‘struggling to survive,’ says aid worker

Political unrest in and around the capital, Kinshasa, is just the latest malady to afflict the Congolese citizens, said Chiara Nava, an adviser to the AVSI Foundation, an aid agency focusing on education and child protection and inspired by Catholic social teaching.

Nun’s recovery recognized as 70th official miraculous healing at Lourdes

Bishop Jacques Benoit-Gonnin formally declared "the prodigious, miraculous character" of the healing of Sister Bernadette Moriau who had been partially paralyzed for more than 20 years despite repeated surgeries to relieve pressure on the nerve roots of her lower back.

Only sin can make one impure, pope says at Angelus

"Sin is what makes us impure," the pope said. "Selfishness, pride," corruption -- "these are the diseases of the heart which must be purified by turning to Jesus like the leper did, 'If you wish, you can make me clean.'"