World News

Pope urges bishops to exercise authority as judges in annulments

A bishop should not merely delegate a new and speedier process of handling marriage annulments to his diocesan curia but instead to act personally as the judge of abbreviated cases, Pope Francis said.

Build peace by welcoming migrants, refugees, pope says in message

Exploiting a fear of migrants and refugees for political gain increases the possibility of violence and discrimination and does nothing to build a culture of peace, Pope Francis said in his message for World Peace Day 2018.

Pope leads prayer service for peace in South Sudan, Congo

Although it was not possible to visit South Sudan as he had hoped, Pope Francis said that "prayer is more important, because it is more powerful. Prayer works by the power of God for whom nothing is impossible."

Pope lands in Myanmar, meets generals and children

UPDATED - After a 10-hour flight, Pope Francis met with children in traditional costumes then with top generals of Myanmar. The predominantly Buddhist country is transitioning from military rule to democracy.

Bangladeshi religious leaders have high hopes for pope’s visit

Bangladeshi religious leaders of different faiths hope Pope Francis' upcoming visit will promote harmony and tolerance in the Muslim-majority nation.

Pope adds meetings, including with general, to Myanmar itinerary

Accepting suggestions by Myanmar's cardinal, Pope Francis has added two private meetings to the schedule for his visit to the country: one with religious leaders and the other with the commander of the military.

At Mass, Jesus seeks to bring others with him to salvation, pope says

"This is Mass: to enter into Jesus' passion, death, resurrection and ascension. When we go to Mass, it is as if we were going to Calvary, it's the same," the pope said Nov. 22 during his weekly general audience.

Vietnam archdiocese marks World Day of the Poor with a meal

More than 600 elderly and disabled people of different faiths enjoyed a hearty lunch at the Bishop's House in Ho Chi Minh City Nov. 19.

Cultural colonization blasphemes God by trying to alter his creation

During daily Mass, Pope Francis pointed to the biblical witness of "dialogue with those who think differently from me" as a way of countering an ideology that is "unable to tolerate differences," he said.

Vatican Museums launch joint art shows with China to further dialogue

"It is the first time ever the pope's museums have organized an exhibit in the People's Republic of China," Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums, told reporters at a Vatican news conference Nov. 21.