World News

Philippine bishops appeal for return to peace in south of country

In a statement at the end of their biannual meeting July 10, the bishops appealed for dialogue with Muslims, "so that our various faiths may not be exploited and abused for the sake of terrorism or violent extremism."

Bishop to South Sudan: Declare bankruptcy

The head of the Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference challenged South Sudan to admit it is bankrupt after it failed to raise the funds to host Independence Day celebrations for a third year running.

Salvadoran cardinal: Pope sending him to Korea to work for peace

Celebrating a Mass in his native El Salvador, newly created Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez said his first major assignment will be to travel to South Korea for a meeting on how to achieve peace with North Korea.

Nuns hear stories of tragedy as they help migrants who land in Italy

Integrating the migrants into a normal life is one of the goals of the Migrant Project/Sicily, a project of the International Union of Superiors Generals.

Bishops say Venezuela aims to install ‘military dictatorship’

The country's political opposition and the bishops have denounced the plan to draft a new constitution for the country as illegitimate and illegal.

Jesus carries burdens of those who suffer, pope says

He always waits for us, not to resolve our problems magically, but to make us strong in our problems. Jesus does not remove the burdens of life, but rather the anguish of heart; he does not take the cross away from us, but carries it with us," the pope said.

Vatican asks bishops to ensure validity of matter for Eucharist

Because the church requires certainty regarding the conditions necessary for the validity of the sacraments, the congregation offered some suggestions so that bishops can continue to "watch over the quality of the bread and wine" as well as "those who prepare these materials."

Churches, NGOs take Canada to court over refugee pact with U.S.

The legal challenge to the Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the U.S. contends that Canada cannot rely on the fairness or objectivity of the American system for granting or denying asylum to potential refugees.

Priest, 71, murdered in Mexico by robbers

Father Luis Lopez Villa, pastor of the St. Isidro Labrador Parish in the rough municipality of Los Reyes La Paz, was discovered in his home, his hands tied and stabbed in the neck.

Return of Guam archbishop would be disastrous, says coadjutor

"I think it would be a disaster if Archbishop Apuron were to return as the bishop of record," said Coadjutor Archbishop Michael J. Byrnes, because of the extent of the loss of trust among the faithful and the "widespread disarray" left behind in church operations.