World News

Pope approves new financial regulations for sainthood causes

In his book "Merchants in the Temple," Gianluigi Nuzzi claimed the Congregation for Saints' Causes was among the most reluctant Vatican offices to cooperate with the papally appointed commission and needed immediate action to promote transparency and honesty.

Doing the heavy lifting: Women leaders share their stories at Vatican event

For the third time the Voices of Faith celebration of International Women's Day, March 8, brought Catholic women to the Casina Pio IV, a villa nestled in the Vatican gardens.

Preacher to Curia: Christians wounded by clerical greed, pedophilia

"Pedophilia and the attachment to money are the two behaviors of the clergy that have most wounded and angered the Christian people," Servite Father Ermes Ronchi said during the retreat March 9.

Pew: In Israel, divisions exist over role of religion in public life

One of the more striking findings of the first in-depth study of religion in Israel was that 48 percent of Israeli Jews surveyed said Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel.

Mexico City church publication questions Pope Francis’ rebuke of bishops

An Archdiocese of Mexico City publication blamed bad advice from papal aides for the scolding Pope Francis gave Mexican bishops last month for living like princes, and calling on them to fight like men.

Crisis compounded: Migrants stranded in Greece as EU nations say ‘no’

The European Union has shut its doors to those fleeing war zones. Up to 40,000 people are stuck in Greece as the borders to northern Europe have closed through the Balkans.

Capitalism needs infusion of virtue for the common good, cardinal says

Virtues such as trust and cooperation promote other virtues, including sustainability and solidarity, said Cardinal Peter Turkson. They are important for economic progress and for the future of humanity.

Toronto, Ottawa prelates call faithful to action against euthanasia

Cardinal Collins said recent recommendations of a parliamentary committee "should shock us to the core." The recommendations open the possibility of euthanasia for minors, include advanced directives so those diagnosed with dementia can schedule their deaths, and recommend allowing euthanasia for those with psychiatric conditions.

Give fragments of life, not doctrine, says preacher of Curia retreat

Jesus' call to be the salt of the earth is a reminder to his disciples to preach hope and life and not be wrapped up in dogmatic conundrums, a Servite priest told the pope and Vatican officials.

Vatican statistics report increase in baptized Catholics worldwide

Most of the growth in the 1.27 billion-member Catholic Church is coming from Africa and Asia. The percentage of Catholics as part of the general population remains highest in North and South America.