World News

Pope calls accountants to remember real people behind the numbers

Meeting with thousands of accountants from around the world, Pope Francis said they are called to reach out to needy people, get creative with intractable problems and ensure human dignity in the face of bureaucracy.

Pleading for peace, bishops in Mexico call violence a ‘national crisis’

Impassioned pleas for peace and justice are rising from ordinary Mexicans marching in the streets, as well as Pope Francis and Mexican bishops, after 43 teacher trainees were allegedly captured by crooked cops, killed by organized gangsters and burned.

Catholic-Muslim summit condemns terrorism

Two dozen Catholic and Muslim leaders meeting at the Vatican this week rejected all acts of violence committed in the name of religion. They also discussed ways to collaborate more in serving society.

Pope calls for global defense of Christians facing persecution

Pope Francis condemned the "absurd violence" being used against Christians in several countries and called on people of good will everywhere to take up the cause of religious freedom. He also spoke about the church and its structure.

Indian church shocked over sterilization-related deaths

More than a dozen young mothers died in government-run sterilization camps in central Chhattisgarh state in India, and another 20 women remain hospitalized due to complications.

Church offers prayers, Mexicans express outrage for missing students

Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico City offered prayers during Mass Nov. 9 for Mexico's 43 missing teacher trainees, who authorities allege were captured by crooked cops, killed by organized crime and had their bodies burned.

Muslim, Christian leaders say migration challenges Mideast families

Addressing the challenges of families in the Middle East, Muslim and Christian religious and political leaders called for unity and dialogue in the face of regional threats.

Minority communities wonder why Iraqi government fails to protect them

Two months after 3-year-old Christina Khider Abada was snatched by Islamic State militants from a bus as her family helplessly watched, Ayda Abada wonders about the fate of her daughter.

New Vatican panel aims to speed handling of sex abuse appeals

Pope Francis has established a special body within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to speed up the process of hearing and ruling on appeals filed by priests laicized or otherwise disciplined in sexual abuse or other serious cases.

Church cannot improvise its training, support for priests, pope says

The Catholic Church needs priests who show their people that being Christian is a lifelong journey toward holiness, a journey that proceeds by serving God and serving their brothers and sisters, Pope Francis said.