Local News

Catholic Social Services gets $150K grant from Connelly Foundation

Programs for adults with intellectual disabilities, dependent youth and hungry people in the region each received $50,000 in the grant from the local foundation.

New videos guide faithful back to the pews for Mass

As parishioners return to in-person liturgies, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has released several clips featuring guidelines, testimonials and a special "welcome home" from Archbishop Nelson Perez.

Archbishop Perez joins local faith leaders in marking Floyd death

During a June 4 virtual prayer vigil sponsored by the City of Philadelphia, the archbishop mourned the loss of life to racism, adding that it is time to "breathe the breath of hope" that such evil can be eradicated.

As public Mass resumes, liturgical music makes a slow comeback

Large choirs won't be singing in area parishes for some time, but archdiocesan directives offer a chance to better appreciate the human voice as an instrument of divine praise.

Outreaches reopen after protest closures

Several archdiocesan agencies were forced to shut their doors due to ongoing civil unrest in the city on Monday, but critically needed food distribution has largely resumed.

Black Catholics urge prayer, change after Floyd killing and riots

The killing of George Floyd and the protests it has sparked require "a new Pentecost, because this is not who we are,” said a Philadelphia priest. Americans must overcome racism and "see each other as fellow human beings."

Task force works to re-envision youth ministry in archdiocese

Local and national leaders in ministry to young people will propose a new vision for the Office for Youth and Young Adults, also known as Anthem, to Archbishop Nelson Perez by Aug. 1.

Ministry continues in areas engulfed in city’s riots

As civil unrest spread in the wake of the George Floyd killing, several clergy and religious found themselves close to the weekend's violence that represents "a deeply spiritual matter."

Archbishop Perez leads online Hispanic youth retreat

Sponsored by the archdiocesan Office for Hispanic Catholics, the May 30 Facebook Live event will also feature Lucia and Ricardo Luzondo of EWTN and Philadelphia Auxiliary Bishop Edward Deliman.

Parishes hear guidance to welcome faithful back to Mass

More than 3,000 people joined a May 27 webinar of the Philadelphia Archdiocese to learn of health precautions, church occupancy and liturgical norms as parishes resume public Masses next week.