Local News

Food drive brings Christmas dinners and hope to local seniors

Two archdiocesan agencies and a Philadelphia Catholic school provided turkey and trimmings for 100 older adults. The hand-delivered packages help seniors share a healthy meal with family or friends.

Clergy changes announced in archdiocese

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput announced the following changes of assignment for five priests in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

At-risk adults help kids in need by stuffing their stockings with gifts

More than 100 clients of archdiocesan Catholic Social Services programs prepared gifts for the Archbishop's Benefit for Children. The project was a way for those being helped to help others.

Black, white ‘wealth chasm’ sign of economic racism, archbishop says

“Discrimination in housing, hiring and lending” cannot be solved without addressing the gap in wages and wealth in the U.S., said Atlanta Archbishop Wilton Gregory at St. Charles Seminary. There is "profit in racism, (and) we cannot address racism if we are still denying that it exists."

Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Christmas greeting

Archbishop Charles Chaput speaks to all CatholicPhilly.com readers in his new audio message. He hopes that as we welcome Jesus Christ into our hearts and homes this Christmas, we may imitate the Lord's example of love and service to others.

Discern how to avoid a post-Christmas present: credit debt

Stick to a budget and strategize your online shopping, says local Catholic business leader Guy Ciarrocchi: “If you turn Christmas into a spending extravaganza, you'll miss out on what we’re really celebrating.”

When families open homes to the disabled, everyone wins

A program of archdiocesan Catholic Social Services enables adults with intellectual disabilities to share their lives with area families, and become beloved members of them.

Meet the millennial Catholics of Phila. sticking with their faith

The church's sexual abuse scandal may have rocked Mass attendance in recent years, but young Catholics explain why they stay in the church. They don't doubt Christ's presence and message today.

Virtue and veggies can help keep off the holiday pounds

Most Americans gain weight over the holidays, but local Catholic experts in nutrition and ethics offer practical ways to avoid the "food free-for-all" and practice temperance toward all created goods -- and goodies.

Cards for a cause: Christmas greetings are gift to the poor

Each Christmas card of Nutritional Development Services represents a donation to food programs that help the needy in our area. It's not too late to send these original cards and give the gift of food.