Local News

Catholic physicist says harmony of faith, science is seamless, not effortless

Planetary scientist Jonathan Lunine, a Catholic convert, spoke last week on the church's strong support for astronomy and the biblical mandate to "study the cosmos and understand as much as we can."

As at some parishes, St. Charles faces abuse crisis head on

The Drexel Hill parish is among those that offered a parish meeting led by a facilitator, special prayers and information in parish bulletins regarding the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church here and abroad.

Leaders detail monetary aid for victims of ‘unspeakable crimes’

Victims of sexual abuse by an archdiocesan clergyman have until next September to file a claim in the new Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program. Its managers said there will be no cap on compensation.

Parishes trying variety of ways to address clerical sexual abuse

From prayers to preaching to listening one-on-one, nine pastors of archdiocesan parishes talk about how they are serving Catholics reeling from the scandal. They sense a loss of trust, but also the need to grow closer to Christ.

Litany in response to sexual abuse

See a prayer seeking the mercy of God, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the intercession of the saints.

Archbishop Chaput announces clerical changes

Changes of assignment for two priests and two permanent deacons were announced Nov. 9.

Philadelphia Archdiocese sets up reparation fund for abuse victims

While financial details were hazy, Archbishop Charles Chaput announced the Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program would be funded by the church for victims of sexual abuse by clergy in the archdiocese.

Montco parish keeps families and hearts warm with clothing drive

St. Eleanor Parish in Collegeville teamed up with the St. Vincent de Paul Society and GreenDrop to help area families bundle up for winter. More than 50 parish youth helped process donations and share their faith.

Certified for success in Microsoft, and in life, at St. Gabriel’s Hall

Students at the residential treatment program for at-risk youth are gaining real-world computer skills that translate into college credits, better job prospects and a lot of fun.

Tapped by the faithful, men are Called by Name to priesthood

First launched in 2015, an outreach that asks lay faithful to identify potential priests is being revived for National Vocations Awareness Week. Vocations director Father Stephen DeLacy hopes to find at least 30 candidates.