Local News

Pa. bishops’ statement on sex abuse survivors’ compensation program

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput joined all the Catholic bishops of the state in pledging support for an independent program through which experts will review individual cases and determine financial assistance.

Class-action lawsuit filed against eight Pa. dioceses

The Philadelphia Archdiocese was among all the dioceses in the state to be targets of a lawsuit demanding the dioceses provide proof that they submitted the names of all suspected predators.

Roman Catholic High unveils new arts center, first of multi-phase expansion

Archbishop Charles Chaput blessed the new 40,000-square-foot Howard Center for the Arts at the historic Catholic high school, which is planning a $25 million investment for future "Sons of Cahill."

Bucks Co. parish tackles addiction head-on at annual event

St. Thomas Aquinas in Croydon hosted dozens Sept. 13 mobilizing against rising levels of substance abuse, and overdose deaths. It's an area "where the church needs to be," said the organizer.

Phila.-based Trinitarian sisters continue work for poor, immigrants

Since the 1920s the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity have had social outreach as their chief focus, especially in poor neighborhoods and prisons. Lay participation has been a constant from the beginning.

Indian Catholics celebrate unity of worship, culture at annual event

At the Indian Catholic Heritage Day at St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Church in Philadelphia, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, papal nuncio to the U.S., joined faithful from across the region honoring their Catholic faith traditions.

Hundreds pray at Cathedral for healing of sex abuse crisis

Drawn by "sorrow and anger" over the latest clergy sexual abuse scandals, lay Catholics, priests and religious gathered last Friday night at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul to pray for victims and church leaders.

Sisters acclimate newly arrived women, children to life in America

The IHM Family Literacy Center, at its new home in Coatesville, Chester County, helps immigrants from Latin America learn English and life skills. Overwhelmed at first, during the program they blossom.

Composer with deep faith and local roots writes ‘Tolton’ soundtrack

Tony Manfredonia, a graduate of two area Catholic schools, wrote the music for a new drama about the first African American priest and saint in the making. Whether composing for video games or Sunday Mass, he starts with faith.

Marking 150 years, Nativity B.V.M. Parish, Media, is serious about outreach

"The Hands of Christ" is a motto and a mission taken up by members of the Delaware County parish, who welcomed Archbishop Chaput Sept. 8 for an anniversary Mass to one of the archdiocese's prettiest churches.