Local News

Archbishop Chaput urges Trump order on religious freedom

Archbishop Charles Chaput and three other U.S. bishops called on the president Feb. 16 to sign an executive order "allowing all Americans to practice their faith without severe penalties from the federal government.”

Eucharistic adoration catching on with Lansdale Catholic teens

Holy hours have always been part of the annual retreats at Lansdale Catholic High School, but some 40 students also come to the school on weeknights to adore Christ in the Eucharist. They are even putting down their phones.

Phila. Catholics gave $228K to church in former Soviet lands

Catholics in 28 countries in Central and Eastern Europe benefited from last year's annual collection. The 2017 collection will be taken up on Ash Wednesday, March 1.

Celebrating, supporting marriage is not only good, but necessary

It's National Marriage Week in the U.S., and several events are scheduled in the Philadelphia Archdiocese to support married couples. Marriages can be happy and strong through grace, said an archdiocesan official.

Tales of love and marriage show the power of commitment

CatholicPhilly.com catches up with four couples in the Philadelphia Archdiocese -- one married 50 years, one just starting out and two in between -- who tell of how they met, how they married and how couples anywhere can stay devoted through the years.

Archdiocesan schools partner with CRS to teach global service in big way

In the largest agreement of its kind in the U.S., Catholic Relief Services and 18 Catholic high schools in the Philadelphia Archdiocese will join lesson plans and activities like the Helping Hands project last week that saw 800 students prepare 50,000 meals.

Schools set to close Thursday, with snow on the way

Archdiocesan high schools and elementary schools in Philadelphia will be closed Feb. 9 due to expected heavy snow in the region. Suburban Catholic schools normally follow the decision of their public district.

7 boys + 9 girls = one (huge) happy family

What is it like to be raised in a family of 16 children, and what does it take to parent 16? That is the topic of a book by local professor Stephen Gambescia, who has vivid memories of a faith-filled but highly organized family life.

Bishop Lohmuller laid to rest in cathedral beside Cardinal Krol

At the Feb. 1 funeral Mass for Auxiliary Bishop Martin Lohmuller, who was buried in the cathedral crypt, many family members and friends recalled their fond memories of his good faith and long ministry.

Joyful ‘Strangers’: A Q&A with Archbishop Chaput

The biblical moral grounding of America is now seen as outdated and bigoted, says Archbishop Charles Chaput in a new interview. So what are Christians to do going forward? Look to St. Augustine as a witness to living the Gospel with joy in a changing world, even when the world is hostile or indifferent.