Local News

The long way to World Youth Day: Walking from Rome to Krakow

A group including two men from Philadelphia are ending their three-month-long, 1,200 mile walking pilgrimage from the Vatican to Poland. Like medieval travelers, they've been welcomed by residents and monasteries along the way.

AbbeyFest touts artists’ lineup for September music event

The pop/rock bands Sidewalk Prophets and Stars Go Dim will headline the third annual Catholic music festival AbbeyFest: Faith, Music & Family on Sept. 24, offering young people and their families faith, food and fun.

Phila.-area youth ready to join thousands in Poland for World Youth Day

Representatives of the Philadelphia group traveling to Krakow this weekend for the global youth event next week received a special blessing after Mass on Sunday at St. Isaac Jogues Church in Wayne.

Talking up the good news of Catholic education

Catholic education head Christopher Mominey points to initiatives in science, scholarships and new leaders to describe the healthy Catholic school system in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. But from faith formation to finances, it's not without challenges.

Clergy receive update on sex abuse bill’s status, victim support info

Archbishop Charles Chaput sent all priests and deacons of the archdiocese the latest details on legislation that would lift the statutes of limitation on lawsuits of child sexual abuse, plus resources for aiding adult survivors.

Who’s going to church on Sundays? There’s good news and bad news

Mass attendance in archdiocesan parishes showed no bump from the visit of Pope Francis last year, as attendance slipped to 20 percent of registered parishioners. Mass schedules are adapting to Catholic lifestyle changes.

Knights of Columbus call for nine days of prayer for peace

Archbishop Charles Chaput invites everyone to participate in the novena by offering the Prayer for Peace of St. Francis of Assisi for each of the nine days from Thursday, July 14 through Friday, July 22.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta parish set to change its name to ‘Saint’

Ten years after its founding and before the canonization of Mother Teresa in Rome this September, the burgeoning parish in Limerick will change its name to St. Teresa of Calcutta with a Mass Saturday, July 16.

Veterans’ center gets a make-over and a blessing in Coatesville

Extensive renovations have been completed at the former Catholic school building that hosts Operating Base Cecilia, which through Catholic Social Services aids area veterans with housing and job training.

Archbishop Chaput: Black lives matter because all lives matter

The archbishop condemned the shootings in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Minnesota, and credited the "mature common sense" protests of crowds expressing their frustration in Philadelphia.