National News

Protecting ‘the innocent is a matter of justice,’ says head of Knights

Abortion is not just another U.S. political issue, said Knights of Columbus leader Carl Anderson adding Catholic politicians who say they are "personally opposed" but will not vote to restrict abortion are out of touch with their constituents.

Assembly OKs document marking 50 years of Lutheran-Catholic dialogue

A key action at the assembly was the vote Aug. 10 paving the road to unity between Catholics and Lutherans, approved by a 99.04 percent margin -- 931 votes yes and only 9 votes no -- to an uproarious applause.

Faith, Hope and Charity graze, keep grounds of church cemetery tidy

For the third straight year, a historic New York City church has imported three sheep from an upstate New York farm to serve as organic lawn mowers in its two-century-old cemetery.

Muslim-on-Muslim violence highlighted in new State Department report

Although Boko Haram in Nigeria and other terrorist groups elsewhere are cited in the report's executive summary as posing a major threat to religious freedom in general, these groups also targeted fellow Muslims.

Texas Catholic parish welcomes immigrant children ‘with a lot of love’

"We've always been a very united community and having the children here has brought us even closer together because we all want the children to feel at home and we are doing everything we can for them."

Mercy Farm offers visitors peace and quiet, lessons in caring for earth

Here in the quiet, "God has a chance to get through," Sister Secord told Vermont Catholic, the magazine of the Diocese of Burlington.

National ‘sidewalk day’ prompts students to protest at abortion clinics

The goal, said Students for Life publicist Kristina Hernandez, was "to change the perception. There's a stereotype of older white men standing outside abortion clinics yelling through bullhorns as people go in."

Community support, mercy visible as bishop re-consecrates Missouri church

ST. CLEMENT, Mo. (CNS) — For Father Bill Peckman, seeing Bishop John R. Gaydos of Jefferson City “wield his apostolic authority” to renew St. Clement Church in St. Clement July 30 was like “watching the Holy Spirit breathe new life into what was once dormant.” “Christ restored completely what Satan had taken from us,” Father […]

Professor offers steps for ministers to avoid burnout

C. Vanessa White detailed four "loving practices" for reversing burnout and getting back on track: healing the body, enjoyment of life, sabbath time and what White called "an attitude of gratitude."

New Zika infection fears spark renewed debate on abortion, birth control

In February, the National Catholic Bioethics Center issued a statement that Zika does not justify abortion or artificial birth control even with the suspected connection between the Zika virus and birth defects.