National News
Helen Alvare blasts ‘sexual expressionism,’ government interference
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In dealing with several serious issues confronting the church and society today, "the only question is how you respond, not whether you should," said Helen Alvare at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, held May 9 in Washington. The response Alvare suggested to her audience: "As our leader (Pope Francis) is fearless, let us be fearless leaders."
Researchers’ embryonic stem-cell advance decried as morally troubling
WASHINGTON (CNS) — As Oregon scientists announced May 15 that they had successfully converted human skin cells into embryonic stem cells, the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities warned that the technique is morally troubling on many levels. Scientists at the Oregon Health & Science University and the Oregon National Primate Research […]
Women religious uniting in nationwide effort to end human trafficking
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Human trafficking is so widespread that congregations of women religious are uniting in a nationwide effort to limit its reach. The effort will focus on broader education about sex and labor trafficking, legislative advocacy for stricter laws and penalties for traffickers and wider support for victims through much-needed social services and employment. […]
Bishops say full effect of ‘redefining marriage’ will be felt for years
ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) — The “full social and legal effects” of state lawmakers’ decision to legalize same-sex marriage “will begin to manifest themselves in the years ahead,” said the Minnesota Catholic Conference. “Today the Minnesota Senate voted to redefine marriage in Minnesota. The outcome, though expected, is no less disappointing,” the conference said in […]
Audit shows number of abuse allegations in church dropped in 2012
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- The annual audit of diocesan compliance with the U.S. Catholic Church's "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People" found a drop in the number of allegations, number of victims and number of offenders reported in 2012. The report found "the fewest allegations and victims reported since the data collection for the annual reports began in 2004." Most allegations reported last year were from the 1970s and 1980s with many of the alleged offenders already deceased or removed from active ministry.
Obama administration won’t seek to block injunction in HHS mandate case
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Obama administration told a federal appellate court May 3 that it would not seek to block an injunction the court had granted in November that had allowed a Christian book publisher to not comply with the contraceptive-coverage mandate of the federal Department of Health and Human Services. Tyndale House Publishers, based […]
Increasing number of men pursuing ‘delayed vocation’ to the priesthood
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In the parable of the vineyard in the Gospel of Matthew, "I'm the guy who was hired at 3 o'clock in the afternoon," said Deacon Michael Fragoso. "The promise ended when my wife died," he said, explaining that her death after 31 years of marriage made him a single man again, allowing him to discern what he called a "delayed vocation" to the priesthood. After working as a pediatrician for 24 years in central New Jersey, this summer he will become a priest of the Diocese of Metuchen, N.J.
Blind singer-pianist says he relies on God to be his eyes
ANNANDALE, Va. (CNS) — Behind all the musical prowess of Carlos Ibay is a young man whose strong connection to the heart of Jesus can be recognized through the many outlets of his ingenuity. It’s evident in his life, his voice and his song. On a recent Sunday, seated high above the congregation in the […]
Blogging Catholic moms share their faith as ‘digital disciples’
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- One of Mary's titles is "Christ's First Disciple," and some of Christ's earliest followers were women. Now some 2,000 years later another special group of women, specifically Catholic moms who blog on the Internet about their faith, the Catholic Church, as well as the joys and challenges of parenthood and everyday family life, can be considered among Christ's newest evangelizers or "digital disciples."
Nun, other activists found guilty of ‘intending to harm’ U.S. security
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) -- An 83-year-old woman religious and two other peace activists were found guilty May 8 in a federal court for breaking into a nuclear weapon-producing facility and defacing its walls last summer.