
Study: Many more Puerto Rico disaster deaths than thought

A "household-based survey" points to around 4,600 lives lost, not the official 64, on the island because of Hurricane Maria that hit Puerto Rico in mid-September. Scientists said the toll may be even higher.

Pope ‘ashamed’ by church’s failure to listen to abuse survivors

In a letter to Catholics in Chile, Pope Francis expressed shame for the church's failure to listen and defend survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of the clergy.

Immigrant kids at border present and accounted for — and number growing

Since Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a "zero tolerance" policy for immigrants crossing illegally into the United States, resulting in children being separated from their families, the number of minors in U.S. custody has grown by nearly 2,000.

Church official rejects Jewish charges against former Polish primate

A Catholic priest involved in the sainthood cause of a Polish cardinal has rejected claims the cardinal fostered anti-Semitism and refused help for endangered Jews.

U.S. Franciscans in six provinces vote to form one organization

UPDATED - Franciscans of the Order of Friars Minor in six of the order's U.S. provinces voted May 30 to form one new organization to reinvigorate Franciscan life in this country.

Nicaragua bishops condemn attacks on protesters, Jesuit university

The bishops issued an urgent statement May 31, the morning after an especially brutal crackdown on protesters, which claimed at least 13 lives, according to media reports.

Orlando Diocese hosts annual summit for Small Christian Communities

Representatives of 26 Florida parishes came with a common purpose: to listen to God's voice speak within, prepare to respond and then go out to proclaim the Gospel.

Forensic review to bring new insight on 17th-century Canadian saint

St. Marie of the Incarnation, a French Ursuline nun sent to establish the order in New France in the 17th century, has not yet delivered all her secrets.

Red hat and rubble: Pope shows love for quake victims, new cardinal says

For Cardinal-designate Giuseppe Petrocchi of L'Aquila, Italy, Pope Francis' decision to name him a cardinal is a gesture of "concrete charity," a "charity that builds where there was destruction."

Weapons of mass distraction: Journalist takes aim at fake papal news

An investigative journalist found numerous false stories and doctored photos of Pope Francis and debunks the most popular fake news stories on him. Readers must be diligent in preventing the spread of falsehoods.