
Cardinal: Communion cannot be shared with friends like beer or cake

Cardinal Francis Arinze said any moves to give greater access to Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics and to non-Catholic spouses of Catholics represented "serious" challenges to the teaching of the church on the Eucharist.

Medal of Honor recipient now advocates for vets with PTSD

"Every person who's been to combat or has had to clean up the mess from combat has got PTSD," said Captain Gary M. Rose, a Catholic. "One of the things I'm really concerned about is the severity in some cases is such that there needs to be intervention."

Scouts see how different faith traditions live out Ten Commandments

Each year for the past decade, a group of Boy Scouts in Ogden have spent a day walking from house of worship to house of worship, learning how the Ten Commandments are put into practice in different faith traditions.

Italian nun murdered in Somalia to be beatified in Italy

Sister Leonella Sgorbati and her bodyguard were gunned down as they left the children's hospital where she worked in Mogadishu.

Nicaraguan bishops end role as mediators in national dialogue

Nicaragua's bishops have suspended their participation as mediators, citing a "lack of consensus among the parties" on resolving the political crisis engulfing the Central American country.

Ryan, Brownback, archbishop address National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

This year's National Catholic Prayer breakfast took on a decidedly Kansas flavor, as Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City and Sam Brownback, a former House and Senate member and governor of Kansas, addressed nearly 1,000 gathered at a Washington hotel May 24.

Remains of St. John XXIII begin pilgrimage in his home diocese

The pilgrimage with his remains was meant to mark the 60th anniversary of his election and the 55th anniversary of his death.

Gazans more desperate than ever after border clashes, says CRS official

Already in a precarious state, Gaza's health system faces a medical emergency, with more than 1,000 people injured in the recent Gaza border demonstrations that flared up since March 30.

Church leaders, aid agencies visiting Congo’s Ebola outbreak areas

The urban nature of the latest outbreak of the deadly virus is of greatest concern, the country's bishops said.

Everyone must have affordable health care, Vatican official says

Everyone should have access to essential health services and no one should have to fall into poverty to obtain needed care said Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, Vatican observer to U.N. agencies.