
Without love and service, church is just an ’empty institution,’ Pope Francis says

During an April 26 homily, the pope called for Christians to live "with an awareness of being servants" who are willing to walk the path of humility with Jesus.

Faith-based groups say fighting created humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Aid workers plead for peace after three years of sustained conflict have left millions starving, diseased and without basic shelter.

Vatican finance watchdog reports ongoing progress in oversight

Efforts to prevent money laundering, embezzlement and mismanagement are producing results, according to a new assessment. However, few cases have led to indictments and prosecutions by the Vatican City State.

Nigerian religious leaders condemn attack that kills 19 during Mass

The April 24 massacre, which claimed the lives of two priests, is the latest in a series of 50 killings over the past three years. US Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) has joined interfaith calls for security and justice in Nigeria.

Listening must lead to action, clerical abuse survivors say

Pope Francis has scheduled four days in April to meet with victims, who hope to radically improve how the church both prevents and responds to accusations of sexual assault,

Bishop troubled by acquittal of border agent charged in teen’s death

The acquittal of a U.S. Border Patrol agent on charges of murdering an unarmed boy who was throwing rocks to distract from drug smugglers "raises serious issues of justice and accountability," said an Arizona bishop.

Restorative justice seen as key piece of criminal justice reform

Between 65 and 70 percent of adult Americans freed from the justice system reenter it, and Catholic experts are looking at ways to reduce those rates. Jail time often results from a childhood of abuse and lack of love.

Citing ‘capricious’ decision, judge allows DACA applications

A federal judge said the Trump administration did not explain why DACA was "unlawful" when it announced it would rescind the program that benefits young adults who were brought into the U.S. as minors.

Voters organize around local concerns in this year’s elections

With widespread interest in this fall's congressional and state legislative elections, local congregations are moving beyond traditional voter registration campaigns to engage voters in the process.

More Americans believe in higher power than in God, study says

A new Pew Research study found that among 4,700 adult Americans, 90 percent believe in a higher power but only 56 percent believe in the God of the Bible. Only 69 percent of Catholics held this belief.