
Catholic school student raises funds, and hope, for Ukraine

Brian Onuskanych, a first grader at St. Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments, said "Jesus whispered in his ear" to rally humanitarian aid for the war-torn nation, now facing the fourth month of a Russian invasion.

Archdiocesan relief agency responding to peanut butter recall

Nutritional Development Services has pulled supplies of Jif products marked as a potential source of salmonella, while staff are reminding donors of ways to give food safely.

Some bishops call San Francisco prelate ‘courageous’ for Pelosi statement

More than a dozen bishops have affirmed a May 20 decision by Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone not to admit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Communion due to her stance on abortion.

Supreme Court rules 6-3 against Arizona’s death-row inmates

The two inmates could not present new evidence of ineffective counsel they said they received in state trials during their federal appeals, the high court ruled. Dissenting justices called the ruling perverse and illogical.

Six new priests followed Jesus call in their hearts to the altar

Archbishop Nelson Perez ordained six men as new priests for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in the cathedral basilica filled to capacity Saturday, May 21. He advised them to “stay close to the Lord in the Eucharist.”

Military burns houses, destroying villages in northwest Myanmar

Catholic and Buddhist villages were razed May 20, the latest in a series of raids by the military junta that seized power last year and against whom resistance is growing.

Pope highlights need for community, evangelization, care for creation

Speaking to various groups May 21, Pope Francis emphasized among all that "in the church we are not 'me alone,' or just me and God; no, we are all of us, in community," and a bond exists "among ourselves and with creation."

Pope calls for united efforts in care for creation

Laudato Si' Week, May 22-29, is an opportunity "to listen ever more attentively to the cry of the earth, which urges us to act together in taking care of our common home," Pope Francis said.

Pope to set date for canonizations at consistory

Pope Francis will advance the causes of 10 people for sainthood, the Vatican announced. He cleared the way for the canonization of the founder of the Scalabrinian missionaries, dispensing the requirement of a miracle attributed to his intercession.

With judge’s new order, immigration restriction remains

The May 23 deadline for the Biden administration to lift the health measure Title 42 came and went at the U.S.-Mexico border, without any changes allowing migrants in, including asylum-seekers.