
Bishop to South Sudan: Declare bankruptcy

The head of the Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference challenged South Sudan to admit it is bankrupt after it failed to raise the funds to host Independence Day celebrations for a third year running.

How we got here: Ancient painkillers lead to new epidemic

Overdoses from legal opioid drugs and illegal heroin have formed a deadly health crisis in places like Philadelphia's Kensington section, resulting in broken families and fractured communities.

Addicts find shelter, and mercy, in former city church

The former Ascension of Our Lord Church, closed and sold years ago, became a squalid stop for the city's heroin addicts. But the ministers at Mother of Mercy House are lighting the path to recovery.

Staged Reading of “The Jeweler’s Shop by St. John Paul II

A staged reading of the play "The Jeweler's Shop" by Karol Wojtyla (St. John Paul II) will be presented by the community of Old St. Joseph's Church on Saturday, July 15.

Salvadoran cardinal: Pope sending him to Korea to work for peace

Celebrating a Mass in his native El Salvador, newly created Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez said his first major assignment will be to travel to South Korea for a meeting on how to achieve peace with North Korea.

On anniversary of floods, West Virginia priest says need still great

The small town of Richwood, where Father Quy Ngoc Dang is administrator of Holy Family Parish, was devastated by flooding when a total of 7 inches of rain fell in just three hours there on the evening of June 23, 2016.

Upcoming Aug. 21 solar eclipse thrills astronomers and parishioners

Sweeping through the country's heartland, the eclipse will give millions of people the opportunity to step back from everyday concerns and appreciate how the universe works, said Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, director of the Vatican Observatory.

Nuns hear stories of tragedy as they help migrants who land in Italy

Integrating the migrants into a normal life is one of the goals of the Migrant Project/Sicily, a project of the International Union of Superiors Generals.

Bishops say Venezuela aims to install ‘military dictatorship’

The country's political opposition and the bishops have denounced the plan to draft a new constitution for the country as illegitimate and illegal.

Jesus carries burdens of those who suffer, pope says

He always waits for us, not to resolve our problems magically, but to make us strong in our problems. Jesus does not remove the burdens of life, but rather the anguish of heart; he does not take the cross away from us, but carries it with us," the pope said.