
Bishops say Venezuela aims to install ‘military dictatorship’

The country's political opposition and the bishops have denounced the plan to draft a new constitution for the country as illegitimate and illegal.

Jesus carries burdens of those who suffer, pope says

He always waits for us, not to resolve our problems magically, but to make us strong in our problems. Jesus does not remove the burdens of life, but rather the anguish of heart; he does not take the cross away from us, but carries it with us," the pope said.

Vatican asks bishops to ensure validity of matter for Eucharist

Because the church requires certainty regarding the conditions necessary for the validity of the sacraments, the congregation offered some suggestions so that bishops can continue to "watch over the quality of the bread and wine" as well as "those who prepare these materials."

Boy choristers from Spain called ‘messengers of peace, beauty’

Since the 13th century, the Escolania de Montserrat has sung daily for pilgrims at Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey in Catalonia, Spain. This summer they brought their sacred music to New Jersey, New York, Washington, San Francisco and Pasadena, California.

Arizona couple invested in the Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great

Investiture in the order is the highest honor the church bestows on laypeople and is given in recognition of extraordinary service to the Vatican.

Four-day convocation in Orlando called ‘a journey’ for U.S. church

Sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the convocation brought together more than 3,100 lay and religious leaders from 160 dioceses and 185 national organizations. They gathered to explore the current challenges and strengths of the church and its evangelization efforts.

Churches, NGOs take Canada to court over refugee pact with U.S.

The legal challenge to the Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the U.S. contends that Canada cannot rely on the fairness or objectivity of the American system for granting or denying asylum to potential refugees.

Images of faith preserved at Capitol attest to role of religion in U.S.

Elaborate artwork adorns the monumental buildings in the nation's capital, depicting the beauty and grandeur of the neoclassical era that inspired these buildings. Much of this artwork illustrates virtue and features several religious figures, highlighting the influence of religion in the history of the United States.

Virginia carries out execution despite pleas inmate was mentally ill

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced hours before the execution that he would not block the death sentence from being carried out despite appeals that Morva's mental illness made it impossible for him to distinguish between delusions and reality.

Priest, 71, murdered in Mexico by robbers

Father Luis Lopez Villa, pastor of the St. Isidro Labrador Parish in the rough municipality of Los Reyes La Paz, was discovered in his home, his hands tied and stabbed in the neck.