
Pope, ‘son of immigrant family,’ tells Obama he’s ready to learn in U.S.

In a country the pope said he knows was "largely built" by immigrant families, he made his debut speech to Americans Sept. 23 on the South Lawn of the White House with some 20,000 people in attendance.

At White House, hours in line for brief welcoming ceremony

The 11,000 ticketed guests and a cast of hundreds extra -- military units, musicians and federal employees -- who waited on the White House lawn to greet Pope Francis Sept. 23 were clearly there as fans of the visiting pope.

Church leaders affirm commitment to family as world meeting kicks off

Known as the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia will be "the city of family love" and the "world capital of families" during the four-day World Meeting of Families, said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family.

Archbishop Chaput leads 10,000 in prayer at World Meeting Mass

The archbishop celebrated Mass for the intentions of the family, along with 100 bishops and 600 priests, on the first day of the World Meeting of Families.

World Meeting opens, welcoming thousands of families to city

Some 18,000 people filled the Pa. Convention Center in Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families. Some came from afar, some came brightly attired, all came exuding joy.

People attending a predawn Mass say Pope Francis gives them hope

Parishioners and visitors attending the predawn bilingual Mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church in Washington Sept. 23 were urged to pray that the pope's words during his U.S. visit would have an impact.

Bishop tells families to be God’s image for secularized society

Being created in the image of God is a mission, an adventure and a command that each Catholic is called to carry out into the world and something we need to rediscover as people of faith living in today's secularized culture, said Auxiliary Bishop Robert E. Barron of Los Angeles Sept. 21.

Key organizer of families’ meeting is cleared in Italian probe

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Council for the Family, has been dropped from a criminal investigation. An investigating judge and prosecutor cleared the archbishop of involvement in a land-purchase scheme in Italy.

Pilgrims and soldiers make their way to Phila. for papal events

As pilgrims from the Diocese of Erie drove across Pennsylvania Monday, Sept. 21 they met personnel of the Pennsylvania National Guard at a turnpike stop, also bound for Philadelphia.

Talk examines family as ‘home of holy anarchy’

The free panel discussion at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center features one of Europe's leading Christian scholars, a cardinal, and two local professors who are each mothers of four children.