
Across the Aisles: Mass for World Meeting of Families

The Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul hosted a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput on Sunday, Sept. 20 to begin the week of World Meeting of Families' festivities in Philadelphia. See our photo gallery.

Volunteers ready to go for World Meeting

Some of the 10,000 volunteers helping at World Meeting of Families' events this week picked up their brightly colored T-shirts and got ready to work, after getting to know one another. See our photo gallery.

Sisters make communion hosts, but pray full time

The Poor Clare nuns in Langhorne are baking altar breads for the papal Masses in Philadelphia. But their main work is prayer, especially for the World Meeting of Families.

Pope’s use of Spanish may say something deeper

Pope Francis is expected to deliver speeches mostly in his native language during his visit to America. The mix of Spanish and English will be familiar to many of his listeners.

College presidents in statement back pope’s leadership on climate change

About 100 U.S. Catholic college presidents have signed a document supporting Pope Francis for his leadership on climate change efforts and committing their institutions to doing all they can to foster "open, honest" dialogue on climate issues and help form "global ecological citizens."

Parents of missing Mexican students travel to U.S. to appeal to pope

Parents and classmates of the missing students have expressed dissatisfaction with the official investigation and what they say is indifference and incompetence on the part of police, public officials and politicians.

Archdiocese sees first overall school enrollment gain in nearly 20 years

The 19,277 students in the archdiocese's 70 elementary and high schools this year compares with 18,911 last year, a gain of 366 students, or 1.94 percent, said Patrick Slattery, superintendent of schools. That marks the first gain since 1998.

Long, winding road of church in Philadelphia comes to TV

“Urban Trinity: the Story of Catholic Philadelphia” airs in three parts this week on 6ABC Channel 6, and in its entirety at the World Meeting of Families Film Festival.

‘Minnesota’s Mother Teresa’ to get private papal audience in Washington

Mary Jo Copeland, 73, who founded Sharing and Caring Hands in 1985, will meet the pontiff in person, along with her husband, Dick, and Auxiliary Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens of St. Paul and Minneapolis.

Local parishioner will conduct choirs for papal Masses in Phila.

David Kimock, music director at St. Andrew Parish in Newtown, will lead a 100-voice choir and a 500-voice choir for Masses celebrated by Pope Francis Sept. 26 and 27. Kimock will be accompanied by St. Andrew's organist.