
Archbishop Chaput comments on absolution for abortion

"Pope Francis' recent remarks on absolution for the sin of abortion demonstrate his commitment to all those in need of healing," said the archbishop in a statement Sept. 1.

Texas parish thrilled to talk with pope in virtual town hall

Pope Francis spoke with groups of people in three U.S. states from the Vatican, moderated by ABC News. The event will air on "20/20" on Friday, Sept. 4 from 10 to 11 p.m.

Contemplate, give thanks, protect: Pope Francis prays for creation

During an evening celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the pope prayed that God would "enlighten the lords of power and money so they would not fall into indifference, but would love the common good, encourage the weak and care for the world in which we live."

Observers expect Pope Francis to affirm and challenge politicians during visit

The improbability of a pope standing before a joint meeting of Congress comes in an era of wider acceptance of the Catholic faith as it intersects with public life and U.S. politics, and indicates a comfort level between the two that wouldn't have been imaginable several decades ago, observers said.

Encourage one another, don’t gossip, pope says at morning Mass

Resuming Sept. 1 his daily celebrations with a small congregation in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis focused on how Christians are called to help one another prepare to meet God at the end of time.

For Year of Mercy, pope extends absolution in confessions

Pope Francis has extended to priests worldwide the authority to absolve women for abortion during the holy year, which opens Dec. 8. "This jubilee Year of Mercy excludes no one," the pope wrote.

In an era of fewer priests, some Catholic parishes are run by women

Growing up in Bermuda in an Anglican family, Cambria Smith Tortorelli was an unlikely choice to lead a Catholic parish in Southern California. See our American Parish series.

As priests become fewer, distances they travel to minister grow longer

Priests in Alaska travel by plane and boat to celebrate Mass in one diocese that is larger than 22 U.S. states. On average there is now less than one priest per parish nationwide. See our American Parish series.

How a Wisconsin town transforms its notion of parish

A decade ago all six parishes closed and a new city-wide parish replaced them with multiple worship sites. It is one of the new models of parish management -- see the American Parish series.

Closed Catholic school reborn to help autistic kids

The NHS School at St. Anne’s will serve children with special needs across the autism spectrum, while providing stable income for St. Anne Parish in Philadelphia's Port Richmond section.