
From Fishtown to Rome: Local priest heads a global order

As a young man, Father David Nicgorski was a Philadelphia union roofer who began going on retreats, which spurred his vocation. Pope Francis named him to lead his religious order, and the priest reflects on his meeting with the pope.

The family and its mission; one month and counting

In four months, it will be Christmas, writes Archbishop Charles Chaput. If the Holy Family could make it to Bethlehem without downtown parking or a SEPTA pass, we can come to Philadelphia to share the gift of the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis, one month from now.

New Orleans Archdiocese: Forever changed by Hurricane Katrina

Swept away by a flood of biblical proportions on Aug. 29, 2005, New Orleans 10 years later -- in so many ways new, improved and utterly resilient -- is a resurrection city.

Pope sits in the pew at daily Mass in Rome

The priest celebrant, surprised by Pope Francis sitting in the front pew, praised "the sensitivity of a man who was placed at the service of the entire church, but who wants to walk with all the faithful."

Little Sisters get reprieve as 2 courts rule on HHS mandate

Some church-run institutions lost their argument that they would be burdened by the process of opting out of providing contraceptive coverage to employees.

In time for papal visit, spotlight shines on religious liberty

The National Constitution Center will remind all the visitors coming to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families in September -- and beyond -- of the struggle for religious freedom in America.

Popemobile shipped to U.S. ahead of pope’s arrival

A converted Jeep Wrangler or two have landed in the U.S. from the Vatican, ready to bring Pope Francis to the throngs in Washington, New York and Philadelphia.

Eastern Europe’s church sees little justice for communist misdeeds

Few living witnesses and lack of a paper trail have kept justice at bay for those who suffered under former communist regimes.

Reputed mafia don’s extravagant funeral raises questions in Rome

When the hearse arrived at a parish church, a band outside played the theme song from the film "The Godfather." The pastor deemed that by canon law, he "could not refuse to celebrate the funeral."

International Courage conference draws participants from 78 dioceses

Nearly 400 people attended a meeting near Detroit that explored how to help Catholics engage a friend or loved one who declares he or she is gay.