
Chinese bishop taken by authorities for ‘tourism’ returns to diocese

Bishop Peter Shao Zhumin, ordained with a papal mandate in 2011, fell out of favor with the government for his refusal to join and collaborate with state-run bodies. The whereabouts of another bishop remain unknown.

At COP26, Vatican delegation calls for solidarity with poorer nations

As the U.N. Climate Change Conference was nearing its final day, the Vatican delegation urged parties to deliver on the financing, resources and standards needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

New archdiocesan senior residence ‘a beacon’ on Broad Street

With 46 affordable apartments, a beloved national shrine next door and a long list of development partners, St. Rita Place is ready to welcome residents into a spacious complex blessed by Archbishop Nelson Pérez Nov. 10.

More than 4,200 allegations of clergy abuse reported, annual audit shows

The 4,228 allegations by 3,924 child sexual abuse survivors were down from 4,434 allegations in the previous year, new data show. While only 22 allegations involve current cases of abuse, most point to the past, due to changes in statutes of limitation.

Cleveland priest sent to prison for life for sexually exploiting children

U.S. District Judge Sara Lioi handed down the sentence Nov. 9, saying the public needed to be protected from Father Robert McWilliams, 41, because he had preyed upon youths who turned to him for help.

Failure to protect creation will incur God’s judgment, pope says

World leaders are running out of time and must address the challenges of climate change before it's too late, Pope Francis said in a letter to Catholics in Scotland where the U.N. Climate Change Conference concludes Nov. 12.

Peace requires global disarmament, pope says in message

Criticizing the idea of deterrence through the stockpiling of weapons, Pope Francis said it has led to "humanitarian tragedies." He called for integral disarmament worldwide in his message sent to the Paris Peace Forum.

Priest-chaplain in U.S. Army feels called to serve God and country

The U.S. Army colonel and Purple Heart recipient Father Eric Albertson has served alongside troops in Iraq and other war zones. "Veterans, he said, "have a spirit of selfless service and a willingness to sacrifice for a cause bigger than themselves."

At Montco parish, youth transforms ‘swamp’ into sacred space

For his Eagle Scout project, Robert Lewcun transformed a muddy patch of ground at St. Albert the Great Parish, Huntingdon Valley into a lavish rosary garden, which Archbishop Nelson Pérez blessed and dedicated.

Polish church leaders offer support for refugees, but back border security

Poland's military archbishop urged security forces to prevent the illegal entry of refugees and migrants from Asia and the Middle East. The country's Catholic bishops called for a nationwide collection to help those amassing on the frontier with Belarus.