
Report that led to priest’s resignation prompts look at journalism ethics

Apart from the serious issues of alleged clergy misbehavior, covert data collection in religion news reporting may have run afoul of the code of ethics for Catholic and secular journalists, especially privacy rights.

Catholics weigh in on abuse scandal 3 years after McCarrick and Pa. report

Catholics surveyed about the clergy sex abuse scandals that rocked the U.S. church in 2018 revealed their insights about the church and how they view progress in confronting the issue.

Program aims to engage diverse group of Catholic young adults

Journeying Together gathers young adults from every large cultural family to promotes the voices and understand the needs of those who are the future of the Catholic Church in the U.S.

Catholic school’s lawsuit against mask mandate goes to federal court

A Catholic school in Michigan and parents are suing over the state's requirement that students wear face masks in school, saying this violated the school's religious practices and mask wearers show they have "surrendered (their) freedom to the government."

Congress urged to be ‘courageous,’ pass comprehensive immigration bill

Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington joined immigrants, business representatives and politicians in calling for legislative protections for immigrants that keep families together, including a pathway to citizenship.

Vatican official’s call for talks in Venezuela draws rebuke

Venezuela's president has accused the Vatican secretary of state of meddling in national affairs after the cardinal sent a letter to business leaders calling for negotiations to resolve the ongoing crisis in the South American country.

Role reversal: Developing nations show concern to flood-hit Germany

Expressions of prayer and comfort from diverse nations and Islamic associations in Germany are showing Germans that "solidarity is not a one-way street," and that damage from climate change is worsening.

Grandkids (and great-grandkids) bring ‘blessings beyond measure,’ say area seniors

As the church marks the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, local faithful say they can't imagine life without the "pure joy" their children's children bring to them.

Portrait of pioneering Black priest installed in Cathedral

An image of Venerable Augustus Tolton, the nation's first recognized Black Catholic priest, is now on display next to the shrine of his old friend, St. Katharine Drexel.

Hymn writer says little-known Marian apparition has a message for today

Retired parish music director Joseph Pokorny wrote "Our Lady of Šiluva" to honor the faith of Lithuanian Catholics, and to inspire devotion in others amid widespread division.