
Faith and fun speak the same language at deaf summer camp

Sponsored by the archdiocesan Deaf Apostolate, "Camp Overbrook: In Sign" draws kids from throughout the area for two weeks of Bible stories, play, arts and fellowship, all in American Sign Language.

Indian Jesuit imprisoned on ‘terrorism charges’ dies in hospital

Jesuit Father Stan Swamy, 84, jailed on dubious charges since October, died July 5 in Mumbai from complications of a heart attack the previous day. One of his last messages from jail was to warn of how activists and leaders were being imprisoned for their dissent.

Bishops thank those who lobbied Parliament against abortion proposals

English and Welsh Catholic bishops expressed relief after members of the House of Commons withdrew proposals to legalize abortion on demand up to birth and to make it a crime to protest outside an abortion clinic.

Pope announces visit to Hungary, Slovakia in September

The trip, announced July 4, will include the closing Mass of the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, plus stops in several Slovakian cities.

New commission maps racial healing through encounter, dialogue, says archbishop

The diverse members of the archdiocesan Commission on Racial Healing will help "change the culture of the church in Philadelphia" step by step, said Archbishop Nelson Pérez during a June 26 address.

Pope out of bed, walking after surgery at Rome hospital

The second morning after an operation on his colon, 84-year-old Pope Francis continues to recover well, the Vatican press office said July 6.

Gomez: On July 4, let’s also honor missionaries’ role in nation’s founding

Through their service, sacrifice and imperfections, those who brought the Gospel here offer "a deeper perspective" on race and group identity, while highlighting the work yet to be done, said Archbishop José H. Gomez.

Activists see temporary stop of federal executions as a starting point

The order by Attorney General Merrick Garland, announced July 1, is being called a "mini-moratorium" that signals "more is required" in redressing "the fundamental brokenness of our death penalty system," said advocates.

House members urge Biden to restore Hyde Amendment to budget proposals

In a July 1 letter, more than 170 members called the lack of the amendment "an affront to the majority of Americans who do not want their tax dollars funding abortion on demand," a stance the president himself once took.

Vatican indicts Cardinal Becciu, former officials involved in London deal

The unprecedented move was announced July 3 after a failed property investment led to charges of embezzlement, money laundering and abuse of office. The trial is expected to begin July 27.