
U.S. bishops should expand ministry to migrants, cardinal says

Cardinal Michael Czerny, Vatican migration official, asked a group of bishops gathered in Illinois June 2 to think of migrants, whether they arrive for the short or long term, as "parishioners" and organize pastoral plans to tend to them.  

Nazareth Academy in national finals for rocketry contest

The all-sophomore team of the girls' Catholic high school in Philadelphia will compete against 600 others to design, build and launch a model rocket to various altitude and time goals.

Crime of abuse is personal failure, not institutional, cardinal says

Last week a German cardinal resigned to take responsibility for failures of the church to address clergy sex abuse. Now a retired Vatican official says claiming an institutional moral culpability is a mistake.

Pope orders study of clergy congregation before prefect retires

As he did before naming a new prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship, Pope Francis has asked a bishop to conduct a visit of the Congregation for Clergy.

European, U.S. bishops ask governments to work for sustainable world

Catholic leaders "on both sides of the Atlantic" prayed for "a renewed transatlantic partnership" featuring better working conditions and trade policies, help for poorer nations and arms control.

Effort to end human trafficking builds in West Africa

Participants in a conference from Ghana, Nigeria and Burkina Faso are strengthening networks to protect young people forced into prostitution, pornography, erotic entertainment and labor.

High court decision deals blow to immigrants with temporary status

Some 400,000 immigrants from countries such as El Salvador, Haiti and Myanmar cannot remain permanently in the U.S. if they first entered without authority to do so, the Supreme Court ruled June 7.

Delegation visits empress buried in Center City parish graveyard

Dignitaries recently paid tribute to Ana María Huarte de Iturbide, Mexico's first empress, who rebuilt her life in exile by becoming a faithful parishioner at St. John the Evangelist in Philadelphia.

Appointment signals preparation for National Eucharistic Revival

Father Jorge Torres, a priest of Orlando, Florida, will help implement a planned multiyear series of activities centered on the Eucharist. It will begin next summer and be capped possibly by a National Eucharistic Congress in 2024.

30 archdiocesan students noted for academic excellence

Of the rising seniors recognized as National Merit Recognized Students, 16 are also Neumann Scholars recognized by the Connelly Foundation and awarded scholarships to attend archdiocesan high schools.