
Fatima holy hour calls for peace, end to pandemic

St. Katherine of Siena Parish in Northeast Philadelphia will host the June 13 gathering, which is sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima.

Webinar looks at holistic care for elderly priests amid COVID

On June 18, Misericordia University will host a free three-part session that examines ways to support aging clergy in mind, body and spirit.

Bishops Dinner brings everyone to table for joy, ‘sacred’ fellowship

On June 2, Archbishop Nelson Pérez shared favorite Philly foods with more than 100 diners at St. John's Hospice, part of a new Catholic Social Services series that's connecting the church's shepherds with some of the most marginalized members of their flock.

Report shows 19,000 U.S. deacons; age, retirement are factors for ministry

A Catholic research organization's "Portrait of the Permanent Diaconate" gleans current facts and future trends among Catholic deacons, according to a survey of all U.S. dioceses.

Australia’s plenary council requires listening by people, leadership

The head of the bishops of Australia, where a type of church synod is beginning, sees the action of the Holy Spirit in the "messy" process. He hopes it will come to the U.S. to transcend ideologies and "come to something new that only God can reveal to us."

Brazil sees rapid rise in land conflicts, Catholic agency reports

The 1,576 disputes involving more than 80,000 families and 900,000 people were largely over land, water and labor, said the Catholic-affiliated Pastoral Land Commission.

Migration summit aims to work toward ‘church without borders’

On the final day of a historic meeting of international bishops and Catholic organizations, they discussed the challenges the church faces even while trying to get Catholics to understand church teaching on migrants.

Sister Agnes Borkowski, O.S.F., dies at 93

A native of Baltimore and Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 72 years, the former Sister Walter Josephine ministered primarily in child care, elementary education and health care.

Father Martin Okwudiba, ordained in Rome, is new priest for Phila.

The Philadelphia man was ordained Thursday morning, June 3 at a Rome basilica. After completing his studies this month, he will minister in Europe before returning to the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Students share deep-sea designs with renowned explorer

Fifth graders at St. Maximilian Kolbe School in West Chester shared their models of underwater cities with marine researcher and advocate Fabien Cousteau, offering hands-on hope amid ecological crisis.