
Young Catholic leaders discuss public policy, social justice principles

While praising the expanded child tax credit and other provisions while expressing dismay over lack of Hyde language on abortion funding, leaders called the COVID relief act "a great opportunity to think through the preferential option for the poor."

Businesswoman who is gospel singer, author to receive Laetare Medal

Carla Harris, a top executive at the investment bank Morgan Stanley, a celebrated gospel singer, speaker and author, and Catholic parishioner in Harlem, will be awarded the University of Notre Dame's prestigious annual honor.

War in Syria must end; tormented people need relief, pope says

As of last year 585,000 people had been killed in the 10-year civil war, of which more than 115,000 were civilians, including children. More than 11 million have been displaced with 5.6 million refugees outside of Syria.

Post-pandemic world must learn from mistakes, pope says

The uncertainty and death brought on by COVID-19 should help humanity to reject "political selfishness" and make "wise and farsighted choices" to build a better world, Pope Francis said in a new book, "God and the World to Come."

Pope requests study of worship congregation before naming new prefect

Before naming a successor to Cardinal Robert Sarah, a consultant will study the procedures of the Vatican dicastery who work is to promote "the sacred liturgy according to the renewal desired by the Second Vatican Council."

Vatican says no blessing gay unions, no negative judgment on gay people

Homosexual men and women must be respected and may be blessed as individuals, but any form of blessing a same-sex union is "illicit," the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said March 15, offering three reasons for the decision.

Seniors feel ‘free at last’ thanks to vaccination clinic

Dozens of older adults received their first COVID jabs at a March 10 event hosted by Catholic Housing and Community Services in South Philadelphia.

Kansas Catholics recall priest’s wartime ministry, heroism in POW camp

Father Emil Kapaun's last words to his fellow POWs in Korea in 1951: "Hey guys, don't worry about me. I'm going to where I always wanted to go. And when I get there, I'll say a prayer for you."

Pope names woman scholar as secretary of biblical commission

Sister Nuria Calduch-Benages, 63, is an Old Testament professor in Rome and the first woman to lead the commission. She will also serve as a consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Annual collection invaluable to Christians in Middle East, cardinal says

The region's small Christian communities who have been devastated by the "year of trials" of the COVID-19 pandemic rely on the support of Catholics worldwide, a Vatican official said.