World News

Pakistani bishop: ‘We don’t have resources’ to deal with inflation

Church leaders in Pakistan are struggling to run Catholic parishes and educational institutions as inflation reaches record levels, at almost 14%. The country also faces a possible default.

Vatican suggests revamped, year-long marriage prep

A new document by the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life aims to help young people understand the sacrament, prepare engaged couples and support newlyweds in the first years of their married life.

Pope adds new step for creating diocesan religious orders

Bishops now must obtain written permission from the Vatican to start an "association of the faithful" as a first step toward forming a local religious order.

Spiritual and human care: Chaplains help Ukrainian soldiers with both

As Russia's war on Ukraine drags on and joint funerals are held for the soldiers who die, Catholic military chaplains say they still see faith, hope and humanity in the soldiers with whom they minister.

Vatican financial watchdog reports on its 2021 activities

The agency said that the more than 100 transactions flagged as suspicious in 2021, higher than the previous year, were an indication that tougher policies at the Vatican bank were working.

European bishops’ commission rejects new abortion demands

The bishops called a European Parliament resolution declaring abortion a "fundamental right," issued ahead of an expected U.S. Supreme Court decision, "an unacceptable interference in the democratic jurisdictional decisions of a sovereign state."

Surrogacy, pornography both threaten human dignity, pope says

"Wombs for rent" and the "abnormal consumption of sex on the internet" are directly opposed to the "beauty of the family," said Pope Francis in a June 10 address.

Trial recap: Italian financier says Vatican at fault for financial losses

Raffaele Mincione, accused of embezzlement, fraud and other charges, said the Vatican's decision to back out of a London property investment is to blame for missing out on "20 million euros."

Pope’s knee troubles force cancellation of July trip to Africa

The Vatican has not yet released word as to whether a trip to Canada in late July would proceed due to Pope Francis' ongoing issues with inflammation in his right knee.

A look at the 21 new cardinals appointed by Pope Francis

Hailing from Singapore to San Diego and Mongolia to Marseille, the churchmen who will be inducted Aug. 27 bring a wide array of pastoral experiences to the College of Cardinals.