World News

In survey, Catholics demand curbs on leaders’ power

A majority of Catholics called for offices and ministries of the Cologne, Germany archdiocese to be assigned on a temporary basis, and said church members should have a democratic say in matters such as the election of bishops.

Training on dementia sought for pastoral ministers

More elderly people are suffering from dementia and need support, as well as their relatives, and every church minister should have a basic knowledge of how to deal with it, said a German Catholic bishop.

Pope praises Papal Foundation’s generosity, including to Ukraine

After the meeting with the pope, the Chester, Pa.-based foundation announced the approval of $14 million in grants, scholarships and humanitarian aid that will be distributed to 123 projects in 64 countries.

God’s mercy brings joy, comfort to those in need, pope says

On Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis said Christians become aware of the sufferings of others around them when they experience Jesus' mercy. He called on them to show mercy to others.

Bishop criticizes U.K. plan to send migrants to Rwanda

A Catholic bishop criticized British government plans to send all single men who cross the English Channel by small boats to Rwanda while their asylum claims are processed.

Pope calls for truce, end to ‘barbarity of war’ in Ukraine

Pope Francis renewed his call for an Easter truce in Ukraine April 24, as Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians celebrated Christ's resurrection under the shadow of war.

Pope says no trip to Kyiv, cancels meeting with Russian patriarch

Meeting with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church "could lead to much confusion," Pope Francis said, and a trip to Ukraine's capital while the war rages might put a truce at risk.

Poles’ response to refugee crisis reflects enduring values, official says

A Polish official is "getting less and less diplomatic" with other European government officials as he seeks help for supporting up to 2 million refugees from Ukraine in Poland.

Ukrainian churches call for supervised evacuation of Mariupol

Leaders called on every Russian religious figure to ask Russian authorities to evacuate civilians and wounded defenders of Mariupol, where an estimated 22,000 residents have been killed by the Russian army.

Vatican clears Polish Cardinal Dziwisz of abuse cover-up

The actions of the cardinal while he was archbishop of Krakow from 2005 until his retirement in 2016 in handling cases of abuse of minors were correct, an investigating Vatican cardinal found.