World News

Reborn in baptism, Christians are called to live like Christ, pope says

The baptismal font is a tomb in which a person dies to sin, and it is a womb through which a person is born to new life in Christ, Pope Francis said.

Sudan rebel leader praises Catholic work in liberated area

Abdelaziz Adam al-Hilu says the accompaniment of the church, under the leadership of retired Bishop Macram Max Gassis, has encouraged the people of the Nuba Mountains during decades of war with the government in Khartoum.

Pope calls dicastery to promote reflection on role of women

"The dicastery works to deepen the reflection on the relationship between men and women in their respective specificity, reciprocity, complementarity and equal dignity," the new statutes said.

Pope praises retired Pope Benedict’s writings on faith and politics

The writings of retired Pope Benedict XVI on the relationship between faith and politics have insisted that the measure of human freedom is the extent to which each person acknowledges being dependent on the love of God, Pope Francis wrote.

Bishops’ conferences join efforts to help Venezuelan refugees

Called "Bridges of Solidarity," a pastoral program seeks to "find common solutions to the challenges posed by the massive flow of Venezuelans, who have decided to move to another South American country in recent years.

Vatican releases pope’s schedule for visit to Geneva

During his one-day visit to Geneva, Pope Francis will highlight the importance of Christians praying and working together on their ecumenical journey.

Love is constant caring for others, pope says at parish visit

Love is not all hearts and flowers or what is presented in a sappy romantic film, Pope Francis said. "Love is something else. Love is taking responsibility for others."

Theologians call for regular consultation of laity in church decisions

The church must constantly find ways to live and work in the world with a greater sense of the value of the prayers, experience and advice of everyone in the church -- including laypeople, said a panel of doctrinal advisers.

Pope appoints U.S. stem-cell biologist to science academy

Elaine Fuchs, professor and head of the laboratory of mammalian cell biology and development at The Rockefeller University in New York, was appointed to the Pontifical Academy for Sciences.

Catholic groups decry end to Temporary Protected Status for Hondurans

UPDATED - Returning tens of thousands of people to a country with a staggering unemployment rate, high rates of violence, and few available resources to support them could quickly become a tipping point for communities.