World News

Christians must convert to ecumenism, cardinal says

To be effective evangelizers, the Catholic Church and other Christian churches must constantly undergo their own conversion to a stronger commitment to Christian unity, said Cardinal Kurt Koch

Pope meets with clergy sex abuse victims in Chile

UPDATED - "The meeting took place in a strictly private way, and no one else was present: only the pope and the victims," Burke told journalists that evening.

Pope to Chilean clergy: Sexual abuse a ‘great and painful evil’

The evil of sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy has betrayed the trust of the faithful and caused suffering to those in priesthood and religious life who bear the consequences of their brethren's sins, Pope Francis said.

‘No one can replace a mother,’ Chilean inmate tells Pope Francis

Pope Francis has visited other prisons, but this was the first time on his travels as pope that he visited one just for women. He was greeted by women standing with their babies in their arms.

Philippine church leaders expect more deaths as police relaunch drug war

Human rights groups say President Rodrigo Duterte's campaign against illegal drugs has claimed the lives of at least 13,000 people since it was launched in 2016.

Visiting bishops praise Gazans, but say Christian presence is shrinking

Israel has blockaded Gaza since the election of the Hamas-controlled government in 2007. Egypt also has imposed restrictions at its border crossing, so travel movement is slow.

Beatitudes are fruits of hope, not cheap talk, pope says in Chile

"The beatitudes are born of the compassionate heart of Jesus, which encounters the hearts of men and women seeking and yearning for a life of happiness," he said.

Pope asks forgiveness from victims of clergy sex abuse in Chile

Addressing government authorities and members of the country's diplomatic corps Jan. 16, the pope expressed his "pain and shame at the irreparable damage caused to children by some ministers of the church."

Pope Francis flies over Argentina, sparking questions of when he’ll visit

After Argentine Cardinal Jose Mario Bergoglio was elected pope in March 2013, many Argentines expected he would put his home country on the top of his list of countries to visit. Pope Francis has traveled four times to Latin America, but not Argentina.

Pope begins seven-day pilgrimage to Chile, Peru

Pope Francis arrived in Santiago, the first stop on a seven-day, six-city visit to Peru and Chile, where he will take his message of hope to people on the margins of society.