World News

Mideast prelates tell Trump Jerusalem move could have dire results

UPDATED - In an open letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, Christian leaders in Jerusalem said U.S. recognition of the city as the capital of Israel "will yield increased hatred, conflict, violence and suffering in Jerusalem and the Holy Land."

Pope concerned by U.S. move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Pope Francis said he could not "keep silent about my deep concern" for Jerusalem and urged respect for "the status quo of the city in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations."

Bangladesh, Myanmar youths are a sign of hope for Asia, pope says

"In the faces of those young people, full of joy, I saw the future of Asia: A future that doesn't belong to those who build weapons, but to those who sow brotherhood," the pope said.

Lawyers call Canadian court case turning point for religious freedom

The lawyers argued that a ruling against Trinity Western University could ultimately impact all faith-based schools, charities and organizations that fail to align with society's prevailing views on sexuality and morality.

In Nova Scotia, cemeteries tell story of 1917 ship collision, explosion

The explosion was ignited after the French ship Mont Blanc, carrying 2,500 tons of high explosives, collided with the Imo, a Norwegian vessel, in a strait that connects the Halifax Harbor to Bedford Basin. It was the world's largest man-made explosion before nuclear weapons.

Gunmen kill retired Philippine priest known for social activism

Unidentified men shot dead Father Marcelito Paez around 8 p.m. while he was driving in San Leonardo, about 110 miles northeast of the capital. The priest died almost three hours later at a local hospital.

Pope’s letter to Argentine bishops on ‘Amoris Laetitia’ part of official record

The papal letter from 2016 was written in response to guidelines of the bishops of the Buenos Aires region. Pope Francis said the bishops' document "explains precisely the meaning of Chapter VIII of 'Amoris Laetitia.' There are no other interpretations."

Church leaders emphasize need for repentance, atonement for Korean peace

Clergy and laypeople from South Korea, the United States, Japan and other parts of the world also called for fewer military exercises between South Korea and the U.S. at the first-ever conference on the role of Catholics in building peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Croatian archbishop deplores ‘unjust verdicts’ after general’s suicide

Former Bosnian Croat military chief Slobodan Praljak committed suicide seconds after the verdict in the U.N. war crimes tribunal in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Praljak was appealing a prison term of 20 years.

Innu women testify that Oblate missionary inappropriately touched them

The revelations came during five days of hearings that ended Dec. 1 by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls regarding events in the Cote-Nord region in eastern Quebec.