World News

32 Catholic fishermen dead, hundreds missing as typhoon hits India

Antony Silvaster, a Catholic fisherman in the fishing village of Vizhinjam, said there was no warning of the storm. He said that with 200 fishermen missing, the community expected the death toll to rise.

Don’t wait to be perfect to answer vocational call, pope says

Men and women contemplating a vocation to the priesthood, consecrated life or marriage should not be afraid because God wants only for them to experience the joy that comes from serving others, Pope Francis said.

In Myanmar and Bangladesh, pope calls for dialogue and respect for all

As on every papal trip, Pope Francis' visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh included a mix of meetings with government officials and events focused firmly on the nations' Catholic communities.

Advent is time to identify sin, help the poor, see beauty, pope says

Advent is a time to be watchful and alert to the ways one strays from God's path, but also to signs of his presence in other people and in the beauty of the world, Pope Francis said.

Political power comes from serving, not lording over others, pope says

Catholic politicians in Latin America must take more initiative in fighting for justice for all, rather than waiting for instructions from church leaders, Pope Francis said.

Pope expresses satisfaction with meetings on Rohingya crisis

Well aware he was disappointing some people by not using the word "Rohingya" publicly in Myanmar, Pope Francis said his chief concern had been to get a point across, and he did.

Harmony must begin within church, pope says in Bangladesh

Pope Francis told clergy and religious that there was no way they could promote interreligious harmony in the country if their communities were marked by gossip, division and bitterness.

Pope says world has reached moral limit on nuclear deterrence

The Cold War policy of nuclear deterrence appears morally unacceptable today, Pope Francis said.

In western Kenya, growing sect confuses some local Catholics

Founded in the early 1960s by Catholics who claim to have been visited by Mary for decades prior, Legio Maria members believe they have received special messages about the reincarnation of Jesus as an African.

To foster vocations, trust young people, pope tells conference

Pope Francis said those in charge of ministering to youths must know the world and the current generation while looking for ways to announce the good news and proclaim "the gospel of vocation."