World News

Rohingya crisis may grow worse, Caritas official warns

Although Bangladesh has welcomed a massive influx of Rohingya refugees from neighboring Myanmar in recent weeks, a Catholic aid official is worried that the welcome may soon be wearing thin.

Pope remembers Ukrainian priest who mentored him

peaking to a group of professors, students and alumni from the Pontifical Ukrainian College of St. Josephat, a seminary in Rome, the pope said he valued the lessons he learned as a boy from Bishop Stepan Chmil.

St. Frances Cabrini is modern model for handling migration, pope says

St. Frances Cabrini, the missionary to Italian immigrants in the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s, "teaches us the path to handling the epochal phenomenon of migration by joining charity and justice," Pope Francis said.

Catholic official: Bangladesh should apologize to India for nun’s rape

Theophil Nokrek, secretary of the Bangladeshi bishops' justice and peace commission, spoke Nov. 7 after a local court in Kolkata, India, convicted Nazrul Islam of raping the nun at her Convent of Jesus and Mary in Ranaghat March 14, 2015.

Q&A with Good Shepherd Sister after she visited her hometown in Syria

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CNS) — Good Shepherd Sister Monique Tarabeh’s visit home in July and August was gut-wrenching. Sister Tarabeh grew up in Damascus, Syria, and her family still lives there, despite the civil war that started in 2011. The conflict has killed hundreds of thousands of people and forced millions to flee to safety […]

Montreal rectory becomes transition center for asylum seekers

The Archdiocese of Montreal calls the new center Le Pont (The Bridge). In the rectory halls, residents hear the contagious laughter of Alessandra Santopadre, head of the refugee sponsorship program for the Archdiocese of Montreal.

Irish nun wins prize, says money to go to health clinic in South Sudan

Loreto Sister Orla Treacy was awarded the 2017 Hugh O'Flaherty International Humanitarian Award, which commemorates the Irish priest's role in saving more than 6,000 Jews and Allied personnel in World War II.

Philippine bishops begin prayer vigil to protest deaths in war on drugs

An archbishop called on the faithful to pray the rosary daily until Dec. 8, and for repentance. Between 3,900 and 12,000 suspected drug dealers and addicts have been killed since President Duterte took office.

Pope names women as undersecretaries of office for laity, family, life

The appointments of Gabriella Gambino, a bioethics professor at Rome's Tor Vergata University, and Linda Ghisoni, a judge on the regional tribunal of the Diocese of Rome, were announced Nov. 7 at the Vatican.

Italian philosopher writes ‘intellectual biography’ of Pope Francis

The book, available only in Italian, looks at the education and study that laid the foundation for the thought of Pope Francis, the former Jorge Mario Bergoglio.