World News

Media reform must be intelligent, even fierce, pope tells Vatican office

To best respond to new challenges in the field of communication, the Vatican needs smart, courageous teamwork, not nostalgia for a glorious past or doomsday forecasts, Pope Francis said.

Evangelizers must ‘go and listen, not ‘go and proselytize,’ pope says

The first step in sharing the faith, Pope Francis said this week, is to get out of one's chair and go where people are. The next is to listen to the restlessness in their hearts and understand it.

Indigenous Missionary Council in Brazil says attack was cowardly act

The Brazilian bishops' Indigenous Missionary Council criticized an attack in a remote area of Maranhao state in which 13 Gamela Indians were injured.

Egypt is a beacon of hope and refuge, pope says

Pope Francis reflected today on his recent visit to Egypt and said it has the task of promoting a lasting peace in the Middle East. He also praised the faithful Christians in the country.

Belgian Catholic order to allow euthanasia for psych patients

A group of psychiatric care centers run by the Brothers of Charity would allow euthanasia of "nonterminal" patients. The order's superior disputes the decision of the group's largely lay board of directors.

Kenyan bishops warn against election violence, insecurity

The bishops said the nominations -- announced in late April for Aug. 8 elections -- had sounded the alarm, while sending worrying signs of another violent election in the making.

Hungry, scared South Sudanese stay in cathedral compound for protection

Drought and armed conflict have pushed tens of thousands of Wau-area residents out of their homes, away from their farms and unable to adequately feed themselves.

Pope plans Pentecost celebrations with charismatics and Pentecostals

Pope Francis has invited thousands of Catholic charismatics and members of Pentecostal and Evangelical churches to Rome to celebrate Pentecost and mark the 50th anniversary of what became the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Irish Jesuit, Protestant gentleman-turned-Catholic healer, to be beatified

When Jesuit Father John Sullivan is beatified May 13, two archbishops -- one Catholic and one Anglican -- will present the solemn petition asking that the priest be declared "a blessed."

God’s tenderness can soften the hardest hearts, pope says

A person with a hardened, "pagan heart does not allow the Spirit to enter" and often relies on his or her own strength and intellect rather than understanding God's will through humility, the pope said.