Local News

Teens enjoy day of fun, prayer to aid their public witness of Catholic faith

Approximately 200 teens and their adult chaperones enjoyed a day of exploring the Catholic faith, and having fun too, March 3 at Archbishop Carroll High School, Radnor. Formerly the archdiocesan Teen Convocation, the event was renamed Generation Phaith this year by the young people themselves, who helped organize the day of workshops, prayer, music and games.

Catholic men’s conference welcomes 1,200; largest turnout yet

It would not have been surprising had the fifth annual Archdiocese of Philadelphia Men’s Spirituality Conference held at Archbishop Ryan High School on March 2 had a dramatic drop in attendance this year. Because of budget cutbacks the archdiocesan office that usually runs the event turned it over completely to a lay group. Lower numbers would have certainly been understandable but it didn’t happen. The conference was run by Man Up Philly, and if you are looking for an example of dynamic grass-roots spirituality in the Archdiocese they surely qualify.

Writer accepts national justice award on St. Katharine’s feast

Lou Baldwin, a writer for the Catholic Standard and Times, Phaith magazine and CatholicPhilly.com, received the peace and justice award from the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament order founded by St. Katharine Drexel, who has connections to his own life.

Advisory boards formed to support Catholic elementary schools in Archdiocese

One of the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission for Catholic Education was that parish and regional Catholic grade schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia be advised by an Executive Board of Elementary Education. Little more than a year later, the recommendation has come to pass with the announcement March 4 of the creation of that board to serve the whole Archdiocese, and the commitment to create advisory councils in each of the five counties.

Mass at Cathedral offers prayers for papal election

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput will celebrate Mass this Sunday, March 3, at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, for the election of a new pope. Confessions begin at 5:30 p.m. and Mass at 6:30. All priests are invited to concelebrate and all the faithful are welcome to attend. Guidelines have been provided to assist everyone in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia during this period of the papal transition to unite all in prayer with the Church and with one another. Archbishop Chaput will offer an additional Mass after the election of the new pope at a date yet to be determined.

Philadelphia Catholics to join march for marriage in Washington

Five busloads of Catholics who believe marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman are scheduled to travel to Washington, D.C., on March 26 to participate in Marriage March 2013 from the National Mall to the Supreme Court followed by a rally on the National Mall.

Preparing for conclave, Cardinal Rigali stresses action of Holy Spirit

Cardinal Justin Rigali, who departed for Rome Feb. 26 to be present for the official retirement of Pope Benedict XVI and to participate in the conclave that will elect his successor, never expected he would have this duty. At age 77 and almost 78, he is eldest among the American cardinals eligible to be electors.

Statement from the Holy See and the Pontifical Council for the Family

Released Feb. 25, 2013 at 6 a.m. EST, in Vatican City On June 3, 2012, at the Closing Mass of the VII World Meeting of Families in Milan, His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, announced to a congregation of approximately one million Catholic faithful that the next international gathering of families would take place in the […]

A brief history of the World Meeting of Families

Overview: Since it began in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has sought to strengthen the sacred bonds of family across the globe. This event takes place every three years and is sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family. The Pontifical Council for the Family: The Pontifical Council for the Family, founded […]

Philadelphia tapped to host World Meeting of Families in 2015, welcoming thousands, maybe a new pope

Global attention will turn to Philadelphia in three years when the city expects to welcome hundreds of thousands of families for the World Meeting of Families -- and possibly the new pope. Archbishop Charles Chaput led a morning press conference Feb. 25 to announce that the Vatican confirmed earlier in the day the long-anticipated selection of Sept. 22-27, 2015 as the date for the gathering of families, Catholic and non-Catholic, from around the world.