National News

Iowa priest reinstated; claims of clergy sex abuse against him not proved

A church trial outside the diocese found that accusations of clergy sexual abuse against Father Stack were not proved. The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith concurred with the trial judges' finding.

Bishops’ long-held goal of preserving net neutrality upheld in court

The U.S. bishops have long held that net neutrality -- the concept of treating all traffic on the internet the same -- was necessary for a well-functioning society.

Relics of Sts. Thomas More, John Fisher draw crowds in Minnesota

Relics of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, whose lives spanned the 15th and 16th centuries, were viewed at the cathedral June 26 as part of a national tour coinciding with the Fortnight for Freedom.

Sainthood cause of Kansas priest who was chaplain takes a step forward

Six historical consultants of the Vatican Congregation for Saints' Causes met in Rome recently and approved the historical documents submitted by the Diocese of Wichita on behalf of Father Kapaun's cause.

U.S. bishops speak out against attack in Turkey

Christians should not focus on violence and let fear numb their compassion but instead should focus on faith and "reach out to our brothers and sisters in solidarity," Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz said.

Patriarch urges refugee repatriation as long-term solution in Middle East

A permanent solution to the refugee crises throughout the Middle East requires lasting peace and the repatriation of refugees, not resettlement to third countries, Cardinal Bechara Rai said.

Church agencies look at ways private investors can help social mission

A conference brought together investment experts, private foundations, social enterprises and leaders of church organizations to discuss how faith-based institutions might use private capital to advance their ministry.

Court stops abortion doctors’ requirements, denies pharmacists’ appeal

The court June 28 refused to hear appeals from Mississippi and Wisconsin challenging lower-court rulings blocking their laws similar to the one in Texas that require abortion doctors in the two states to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

For God and country: Priests navigate U.S. armed forces as chaplains

Military chaplains are commissioned officers serving in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The priests are basically on loan from their dioceses while they serve.

Catholic Church has right to be heard in public square, says cardinal

"There are fundamental truths against which our judgments and our legislative decisions should be measured, and to which we are all called to conform," Cardinal Wuerl said.