
Sister Janet Baker, facilitator and teacher, dies at 83

A longtime teacher, she expanded her ministry as consultant to religious communities and schools. For years she aided the archdiocesan synod in Philadelphia and spent many years working as a trusted group facilitator across the archdiocese.

‘Holy hoops’ scores win-win for priestly vocations

Seminarians and Montco teens tipped off at a Nov. 13 basketball match showing the path to priesthood is taken by "normal guys" willing to "give it a shot and trust in the Lord."

Sister Maria Antonieta Garcia-Nicoletti, I.H.M., dies at 82

The native of Lima, Peru spent most of 62 years as a Sister, Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in South America, with a brief assignment to St. David School, Willow Grove.

Franciscan Sister Mary Carmel Molloy, congregational leader, dies at 81

The native of Galway, Ireland -- who returned there as a sister for several years to tutor students -- had a wide-ranging ministry across the U.S. including service as a member of the sisters' congregational council in Aston.

Maryland couple donates spruce as Rockefeller Center’s Christmas tree

A family has grown up under the 79-foot-tall tree that will be enjoyed by thousands in New York City through the Christmas holidays. Lumber from the tree will be donated to Habitat for Humanity after the holiday season.

Nurture hope tomorrow by healing pain today, pope says

Christian hope is not naive, but is built day by day in people's lives through concrete actions that seek to relieve the suffering of the poor and console the downtrodden, Pope Francis said Nov. 14 at a Mass for the World Day of the Poor.

Archdiocesan shelter gives Brazilian women ‘the strength to go on’

The shelter is housing 12 homeless women for a period of one to two years, rendering psychological support until their lives are restructured and they can care for themselves financially and emotionally.

Vatican releases theme for pope’s 2022 World Peace Day message

Peace in the world can be achieved only by responding to the needs of people today and in the future through "education, work and dialogue between generations," which are "tools for building lasting peace," read the theme for the Jan. 1 observance.

Laudato Si’ Action Platform set to integrate encyclical into church life

A seven-year plan implementing Pope Francis' document on the environment is a "spiritual and moral" initiative that a coordinator at one of 17 participating U.S. dioceses called "a church-based model for community organizing."

Employers, courts examine religious exemptions to vaccines

Religion usually stays out of the workplace, but now with expanding COVID-19 vaccine requirements, employees' personal faith is at issue as many of them across the country say they have religious reasons not to get vaccinated.