
Award-winning veteran Catholic journalist Gerald ‘Jerry’ Costello dies

A reporter, columnist, book author and founding editor of three newspapers including Catholic New York, Costello's writing informed readers about international, national and local Catholic news for over 60 years.

USCCB general secretary resigns; reports allege ‘possible improper behavior’

Msgr. Jeffrey D. Burrill, named to the top organizing post of the bishops' conference last November, resigned because of impending news of acts that "did not include allegations of misconduct with minors."

EU commission urges action to protect religious freedom

European bishops called on the European Union to do more to protect religious freedom and strengthen the bloc's role as a "global humanitarian, development, economic and peace actor."

Plans for next synod continue at Vatican

The meeting of bishops and other Catholics around the world will take place in October 2023 with the theme, "For a synodal church: communion, participation and mission."

Traditional Latin Mass ‘movement’ undermining Vatican II, archbishop says

An official previously involved in the Vatican's dialogue with the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X said the church movement "is working for objectives that are precisely contrary to what St. John Paul and Benedict XVI hoped for."

Pope offers his support to cartel-afflicted Mexican diocese

Pope Francis sent a letter of encouragement to residents of an area afflicted by battling drug cartels, underscoring the lawlessness across Mexico and the government's inability to pacify it.

Fires, graffiti, red paint are among ways Portland churches vandalized

Four Portland Catholic churches have been vandalized in the span of about six weeks. The acts can be traced to lone individuals, groups of teens and even some families.

U.S. bishops express solidarity with Cuban people, church leaders

A statement by two key bishops acknowledged "the ongoing protests in Cuba and among the diaspora in the United States" as perhaps the most significant unrest in decades.

Two statues destroyed outside N.Y. Catholic church

A statue of Mary and of St. Therese Lisieux were dragged across the street from the grounds of a Queens parish church and smashed with a hammer July 17, according to the Brooklyn Diocese.

Prayer, conversion, good works needed to win ‘freedom for the pre-born’

Ending "the greatest evil in our day and in any day" requires a renewed commitment to Christ, along with concrete acts of compassion, said participants at a July 17 Mass and rally sponsored by the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia.