
Speakers urge pro-lifers to show compassion, change hearts one at a time

Attendees at a national conference were urged to avoid harsh words and respond to abortion advocates with compassion, rather than argue, because the person challenging them may themselves be struggling to deal with abortion.

Congolese bishops sharpen focus on protecting Congo Basin

Unsustainable use of the environment is diminishing people's resilience to climate change and destroying communities' livelihoods in the region, called "the second lung of the planet" after the Amazon.

Pew study: Indians are devout, but religions want to live separately

Some 97% of 30,000 Indians surveyed from India's six major religions -- Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism -- declared faith in God but "see little in common."

Vatican suppresses lay group founded by alleged visionary

The Vatican cited problems with the Italy-based "Apostolic Movement" including the group's origins, catechesis, governance, handling of donations and divisions it allegedly has created among diocesan clergy.

Court dismisses move to stop Hallahan transition by archdiocese

A Philadelphia Orphans Court judge ruled that the Friends of Hallahan lacked legal standing to prevent the Philadelphia Archdiocese from selling the closed Catholic high school and using its funds for tuition assistance.

U.S. House urged to include pro-life policies in bills

Two key U.S. bishops called for restoring in proposed federal spending bills three decades-old, bipartisan policies that would prevent taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions, and to instead use tax dollars "for the common good and welfare of all."

‘No more war’: Pope continues his teaching on Gospel nonviolence

Modern popes have been clear voices for peace, but Pope Francis is moving closer to a broad embrace of nonviolence and a declaration that traditional "just war" theories cannot apply. Everyone can do something, and "indifference is an accomplice of war."

Advocates call for ‘religious freedom for everyone, everywhere’

"A Charter of Religious Freedom" was released in advance of the International Religious Freedom Summit planned for July 13-15 in Washington. New York Cardinal Timothy of Dolan, the Dalai Lama, politicians and leaders of Islamic and Eastern religions will speak.

Makeshift memorial near collapsed condo shows humanity at prayer

An informal Wall of Remembrance sprung up following the tragic partial collapse of condo towers in Surfside, Florida. Hundreds of people have been gathering on the streets there leaving crosses, candles and handwritten prayers.

COVID’s lesson shows ‘senseless notion’ of returning to former ways, pope says

The world cannot go back to "relying on false securities and habits" aimed "at pursuing wealth and personal interests, while failing to respond to global injustice, the cry of the poor and the precarious health of our planet," Pope Francis told an ecumenical delegation