World News

Church leaders offer prayers, Mexicans pitch in after earthquake

Mexican church leaders offered prayers and urged generosity after an earthquake struck the national capital and its environs, claiming more than 240 lives -- including at least 20 children trapped in a collapsed school.

Pope prays for victims of Mexico quake

The magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit Sept. 19 to the southeast of the city, killing hundreds.

Caritas staffers in Germany juggle duties as they help refugees

They juggle many responsibilities, including providing care and support to refugees fleeing conflict and economic deprivation. At other times, Caritas workers find themselves having to give a motivational push to refugees to improve German language skills and pursue job prospects.

Myanmar leader condemns human rights violations in speech on Rohingya

Aung San Suu Kyi avoided any mention of ethnic cleansing of some 400,000 Muslim Rohingya. She described a repatriation plan that depends on refugee documents from the very government driving the people out.

In Bolivia, when the water dries up, so does the economy

Lake Poopo dried up three years ago, and 30 million fish died almost overnight. Along with the fish went the livelihood of the residents of a few dozen Aymara and Uru communities, whose people have fished the lake for centuries.

Salesian priest recounts harrowing tale of his capture, liberation

Father Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped March 4, 2016, from a home for the aged and disabled run by the Missionaries of Charity in Aden, Yemen. On that day, four Missionaries of Charity and 12 others were murdered in the attack by uniformed gunmen.

Philippine priest, kidnapped in May, freed

A local Maute terror group linked to Islamic State captured Father Soganub and other church workers at Marawi cathedral May 23, the first day of fighting in the Islamic city.

Pope expands scope of John Paul II institute on marriage, family

The new institution is to expand and deepen the types of courses offered as well as take "an analytical and diversified approach" that allows students to study all aspects and concerns of today's families while remaining "faithful to the teaching of Christ," the pope wrote.

Church leaders condemn possible massacre of indigenous in Amazon

The Brazilian government is investigating reports that illegal miners killed as many as 20 indigenous people in early August. Little is known about the indigenous group, which lives in the Vale do Javari indigenous territory and avoids contact with wider Brazilian society.

Pope cites St. Frances Cabrini as exemplar of ministry to immigrants

Although she died 100 years ago, St. Frances Cabrini is a shining example of "love and intelligence" in ministering to the needs of immigrants and helping them become integral members of their new homelands, Pope Francis said.