National News
House’s refusal to include Hyde in spending bills is called an ‘injustice’
U.S. bishops called the results of a July 29 vote by lawmaker "completely out of step with the will of the American people who overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer-funded abortion."
Citing COVID-19 threat, Texas governor halts transportation of migrants
Gov. Greg Abbott said the order, announced July 28, is meant to stop COVID-19 from spreading, while immigration advocates call it a form of racial profiling.
Catholic environmental movement adopts new name in push to inspire action
The former "Global Catholic Climate Movement" announced July 29 it will now be called the "Laudato Si' Movement" to better reflect the network's mission of prayerful activism for environmental protection.
Efforts to amend House appropriations bills with pro-life riders fail
Despite "14 pro-life amendments ruled out of order by the Democratic majority," U.S. Rep. Chris Smith said "all is not lost," and hopes the Senate will reinstate measures to prevent taxpayer funding of abortion.
Trinity Washington University clears tuition debts for 540 students
Over 40% of the school's full-time undergraduate students will start the new school year with a clean financial slate, thanks to funds from the American Rescue Plan and increased donations.
Boston Globe: Police charge McCarrick with assault in case dating to 1970s
The former prelate will appear in court Aug. 26 on three counts of indecent assault on a teen during a wedding reception, while McCarrick was a New York archdiocesan priest.
N.J. archdiocese says it has requested but not yet received data, analysis
The Newark Archdiocese says it is awaiting media evidence of location-based dating apps at clerical residences from 2018-2020, while noting such data "does not provide any evidence of misconduct by archdiocesan clergy or employees."
Nearly 3,700 women religious urge Senate to pass For the People Act
The petition, signed by sisters from congregations across the nation and hand-delivered to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, said "every voice, every vote is sacred."
Mississippi’s attorney general in brief urges high court to overturn Roe
In a July 22 filing, Lynn Fitch said "nothing in constitutional text, structure, history or tradition supports a right to abortion."
No ‘devout Catholic’ can condone killing child in the womb, says archbishop
In response to remarks made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco said July 22 the "right to life is the most fundamental human right" and urged support for women in crisis pregnancies.