National News

San Francisco faithful pray for unity, end to ‘virus’ of racism

Decrying a rise in racial violence especially against Asian Americans in a city that he said has always offered "a welcoming and stable home" to newcomers, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone led a prayer service for unity, healing and peace April 10.

Court overturns California’s pandemic ban on in-home worship

In its 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state violated religious freedom by restricting prayer groups of more than 15 people meeting in homes, and favoring secular activities.

Biden announces commission to study changes to Supreme Court

A 36-member panel of lawyers will analyze and recommend possible reforms to the court, including the idea of expanding the number of justices -- which Biden has said he is "not a fan" of -- or instituting term limits for justices.

Heroic Men promotes ministries for Catholic men to grow in faith

A new group is hoping to use the concept of nationwide franchising on a simple premise: Strengthen the men, strengthen the family; strengthen the family, strengthen the church; strengthen the church, fix the culture.

Inspired by a priest in the family, a mother and daughter become Catholic

As a Presbyterian teen, Judy Crowe would walk past Sacred Heart Church in Oregon on the way to school. Now 77, Crowe has become Catholic, confirmed in that same church April 3 with her daughter. Both were led by the example of Father Brent Crowe.

Group seeks stepped up reunification of border families

Interfaith religious activists want the Biden administration to increase family reunification and fix the Trump administration's policy that separated some 5,500 immigrant children from their families.

Nations not working together seen as biggest failure of pandemic

If the lessons of this pandemic are not learned -- including the need for trust and honest transparency -- more people will needlessly die in future calamities, said the U.S. head of a Vatican COVID commission.

Even bullying has changed in pandemic, says NCEA presenter

Bullying in schools is nothing new, but an anti-bullying advocate told Catholic teachers there has been a "deeper edge to the meanness and nastiness" this year online.

Man with Down syndrome promotes jobs for ‘friends like me’

Mark Hublar, 56, has a long list of life achievements, thanks to his family's loving support. "I want to see my people go into communities and get real jobs with real pay, equal pay," he said.

Risen Christ offers hope to people, Cardinal Gregory says at Easter Mass

Easter with its message that Christ is risen and death has been defeated, "brings together many people who long to change their own sorrows to joy, their own doubts into hope and their own fears into faith."