
Memorial Mass for John Stanton

Please join us in remembering John P. Stanton, the founder of the Pro-Life Union, during a 4th Anniversary Prayer Vigil and Memorial Mass.

Pope marries couple on flight during Chilean trip

Love was literally in the air as Pope Francis performed an impromptu wedding ceremony at 36,000 feet aboard his flight in Chile.

Pope challenges Chilean youth to ask, ‘What would Christ do?’

"When you go dancing, when you are playing or watching sports: 'What would Christ do in my place?' He is the password, the power source that charges our hearts, ignites our faith and makes our eyes sparkle."

Poll shows a strong majority of Americans want restrictions on abortion

The annual poll of Americans' views on abortion sponsored by the Knights of Columbus indicates that more than three-fourths continue to want "significant restrictions" on abortion access, even though a slim majority describe themselves as "pro-choice."

Alert prompts Hawaii bishop to give general absolution to deacon group

The absolution of sins given to a group of people at one time is allowed only in grave circumstances, such as situations of great danger or imminent death, or for soldiers going into battle, when private confessions are logistically impossible.

Listening to young Palestinians, Israelis, bishops hear range of feelings

Bishops from three continents said their Jan. 17 meeting with students from the Bethlehem University nursing department satellite campus gave them a sense of hope.

Young adults want to be heard by the church, study finds

A new study by St. Mary's Press looks at the reasons for religious disaffiliation, asking teenagers and young adults ages 15 to 25 a basic question: Why did you leave the church?

March lauded for witnessing to life; participation in ‘9 Days’ urged

In a message of support for the March for Life in Washington, a Vatican official praised "the tens of thousands" of participants for their witness to the "value of every human life" and for upholding the dignity of life from conception to natural death.

President Trump to address March for Life crowd live via satellite

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced at her daily press briefing Jan. 17 that President Donald Trump will become the first president to address the March for Life live from the White House Rose Garden via satellite.

As coach, mentor and influential Catholic, it’s hard to beat Speedy Morris

Capping 50 years as a basketball coach, Morris nabbed his 1,000th career win Jan. 12. Accolades for the devout Catholic family man and ultimate hoops coach came from proteges in scholastic, college and pro ranks.